
Entry Level: Psychologist

Either they don’t know what the term “entry level” means, or I don’t know what it means.


BOO did I scare you?


Coming to work sick

May already been addressed but why do boomers insist on coming to work sick? Generalization I know but humor me if your experience matches mine.


Tutoring Job Vent

I work as an adjunct, but I can’t survive economically, and got a part-time job tutoring. It’s $35/hr for a group class and $25/hr for single student sessions. However, I am also expected to put together a nice PPT, and in the group classes, make (and grade), a short quiz and assign writing homework — and grade both. I also have to write a short progress report once a month AND I teaching really complicated advanced books…so have to prep a lot. They’ve slowly introduced a lot of these requirements, but I’m at a point now where I feel taken advantage of. What do you think?


People that gave up on the ‘system’ and started ‘Quiet Quitting’ ‘Tang Ping’ or ‘Lying Flat’….what was the final straw?

Genuinely interested in hearing why people have given up……


Job posted last Saturday, am I too late to apply tomorrow?

A job was posted last Saturday, and I’m still waiting for two references to add to my resume, and they will hopefully send me them tomorrow. The company posted the position on indeed and simplyhired on Saturday, and they have advertised the position on Instagram and Facebook two days ago… If I wait for my references, do you think I’ll be too late to apply/get the job? Do employers judge when you submit an application? Do they allow some time to put things together? If I apply tomorrow, will it be a negative that I’m applying to the position 6 days after it’s posted? I’m submitting my resume, cover letter, 3 references total (one I have already), and a portfolio. This is for a marketing coordinator role. Any advice is appreciated! Thank you!


Mom is brainwashed

So just kinda more of a venting post than anything else. My mother is a conservative and agrees with me on everything I say when I talk about employer/employee relations. How the top 1% evade taxes, how the price of everything has gone up except wages and she agrees on other anti-work talking points as well. However whenever I get specific and talk about people like Jeff Bezos and how in 11 minutes he makes more than what a minimum wage worker will make in 3 lifetimes. She just tells me to “STFU I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT!”. Like these rich CEO’s have brainwashed my mother into thinking that any way that they obtained their money is through their “hard work” and not multiple workers being exploited at every level. She thinks that government is bad and that we are taxed too much which is ok but the second…


ABAB- All Bosses Are Bastards


Was rejected today after 5 interviews

I just don't get how you can interview for a role a half dozen times, the interviewer sings your praises the whole time, but they're still not sureeeee so they need anotherrrrr interview and then by the end it's tee hee we changed our minds. This was a super niche role that I have years of experience doing. They even told me they hadn't found any other comparable candidates. And then I'm rejected anyway. At least I still have a job. But wow am I demotivated now.


American culture perpetuates upper class favoritism

I have no data to support this lol. I am purely basing this off of anecdotal evidence of 1) seemingly more outrage at an upper class victim of crime than a lower class (crime against the lower class is considered normal vs. unheard of against the upper class), 2) reverence and normalization of the wealthy in reality TV and movies (see KUWTK, Rich Housewives, the latest Sydney Sweeney rom com), 3) people who will never have 1/100 net worth of these people defending ultra high net worth individuals because they earned it or whatever bs reason (and these people think it’s possible they’ll get there)