
The job market is tough …..


I hate the concept of working as a slave for certain source of income

I understand everyone has to work and maybe there is no small or big job to be ashamed of working. But I'm always feeling like a loser and embarrassed whenever someone ask oh what type of job experience do you. I hate the concept of working because we only make a certain income and it almost feels like your under control from someone. You also get taken advantage and mistreated sometimes. Yet, I see so many people working in good office jobs and remote jobs where they get tons of perks and weekends off and even a nice salary. They generally even seem happy or at least okay ish because they don't have stress of making less. As young adult in 20s, it's so important to understand how the economy, fiance, industry and fields work. Maybe I just haven't cracked the code of playing life game. It seems for the…


Got another. You’re good with computers, you can run a Molder for 60 hours a week.


Employer ghosted me when I couldn’t do an interview the same day they asked

I applied to a small computer shop job like 2 months ago. Randomly they emailed me last Friday asking if I was still interested. I replied and said yes and asked about details of the job. This was like 1PM Friday. They did not respond. Monday rolls around and I wake up to an email from them asking if I can do a phone call interview “today or tonight”. I'm the kind of person that needs to schedule something like this in advance and mentally prepare myself for it. I also find it highly unprofessional for a company to not schedule these in advance and just expect you to do it as soon as they ask. So I told them I was busy today and tomorrow but I could do Wednesday around 3:30 if that works. No reply. Its now 10 minutes after 3:30 and no phone call from them.…


4 minutes late from lunch

Went out with some coworkers for lunch but got caught in some rain. We got back at 1:05PM and saw this message in our group chat from our Director.


Please support the Capital City Public Charter School Staff Union by signing their petition


Fuck work, it only makes somebody else rich


Living Pay Check to Pay Check …..The American Way


Potential employer contacted current employer

I interviewed with a VERY large company that's a household name in the semiconductor industry. The hiring manager and a programmer reached out to at least 2 of my current colleagues immediately after I left the building. I was blasted the very next day at work. The whole damn building knew I interviewed with this “fantastic organization.” Kicker: I omitted my current employer from my resume and just listed my title, job duties, and tenure. It was brought up in the interview and told them explicitly that I didn't want to divulge this info. They were adamant that I disclose. So I did. Now, I'm fucked.


Cost of leaving computer on 24/7

I have worked from home since covid and the company decided that WFH works best for most people so it's permanent now. IT asks that everyone leaves computer on 24/7 for updates. I think the electricity used in the 16 hours that I'm not working is probably very small. Would it be petty or wrong to ask the company to reimburse me for that? Does anyone know how much it costs? It might only be a few cents a day, I really have no idea.