
Poll: 42% of Americans Expect to Receive no Social Security Benefits when they Retire


Is this retaliation for organizing?

I made a post this morning about part of this, however I believe I know why this is happening, so I figure I post with a new question and full story So I worked, until last friday, as a Public Adjuster out of Colorado, though they call it a Supplement Estimator, at a small business for 17 dollars an hour, none of us have PA licences, so what we are doing could in theory get either us or our company sued. However, as we are all young people who have discovered that engineering degrees don't even guarantee you a position at walmart, we have stayed working there for a while. However, we had gotten tired of working for so little considering that a genine PA of 5-6 years experience can earn 70-100k. On top of this, they had started to hire people with less experience and no education for up…


California Bill Would Put Limits on Grocery, Pharmacy Self-Checkout

I am not a fan of this particular legislation. I would rather see a bill that taxes automation at a rate equal to what a human employee would pay. So if a worker would have made $20 an hour and paid $5 per hr in taxes, then the state will collect $5 per hr per machine for all operating hours. Then that money can be used to fund UBI.


Projected 10in of snow tomorrow. Risk your life for a chicken parm!



What’s the point of me climbing the ladder if I lose benefits?

I work in film and tv production. I'd understand loving a job and wanting to be more involved but I want to be a writer, production is not something I particularly enjoy. Since I'm freelance my work is inconsistent and I made around 20k last year. I just got approved for medicaid. Idk what would be making too much but I'm pretty sure 20k is close to limit. So If I make too much I'd just lose it and not be able to afford unless I make a lot more money and work just for a chunk of it to go to healthcare? So I'd be better off just accepting gigs to make the limit but no more. I understand doing this would have it's flaws but seriously am I missing something? With 20k I'm able to support myself which is something not everyone can say. So really, why should…


Bernie Sanders: It’s time for a 4-day work week…


this square I captured from an Strange Planet comic is relatable. It’s me arguing with life over work, financial burdens and responsibilities


Math Professor vs Finance worker

Hey. I am a 27 years old guy. I have two master degrees in top french schools in math and corporate finance. I did internships where I realized I can't work anymore 5 days a week from 9 to 7 every day. I was not happy and I was very anxious. I was much better when I was attending classes (about 20 hours a week, then free time to work out, spend quality time with friends and family …) So I taught about doing a phd. I went back to the country where I grew up and started a phd in pure math and I love it. I do really enjoy doing math and learning new stuff. I have a lot of free time and I can work by night, by day, on the week end, whenever I feel I am the more productive. I love this flexibility. However, I…


Outrage Over California’s New Fast-food Minimum Wage is Hard to Stomach.

I was pleased to see a story in favor of the wage law change this morning and I can't help but wonder if our Reddit rage contributed to it's existence.


Anyone want to read my antiwork screed

Working on a manuscript, looking for feedback. Hopefully not breaking any rules here, not selling anything just wondering if it makes sense. It's called “Escape from Serfdom”… guess this is the target audience right here.