
First my company laid off most of the local IT folks in favor of cheaper 24/7 hour offshore support a few years ago, then….

They cut back offshore to 5 days, 18 hours. Then they cut back to 12 hours, covering US hours. Was told this morning, they are shifting to 10am-7PM IST for support. This means that our HQ in EDT will basically get 1 hour of overlap, 8:30-9:30am EDT. Also all my meetings with my offshore support teams are being moved to around 5am my time. Oh, and I am expected to cover normal 9-5 EDT to backfill the support team.


At what point did you realize that the company you work at is trash?

I have a corporate job. Today I had a sales training and we discussed our performance bonuses that have recently decreased. We've been told by our trainer that if we want to have higher bonuses, we should first increase our performance (by around 100%!!) so the company might notice that we do our best and MAYBE decide to pay us better. Am I exaggerating for thinking this is absolutely ridiculous? At this point I don't even care if they fire me for doing the bare minimum because I've lost respect for this company


After 3 years, I Finally Did It, I Quit My Job Today!

Hey everyone, just wanted to share that I finally took the plunge and quit my job today. It's been a long time coming, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. So, here's what went down. I've been working at this tech support company for about three years now. At first, it seemed alright, the pay was decent, and the coworkers were friendly. But man, over time, the environment just started to wear me down. The endless hours, the constant pressure to meet unrealistic targets, and don't even get me started on the micromanagement. It all started getting worse about a year ago when they introduced this new monitoring software that tracks everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Every keystroke, every minute of activity, and breaks that weren’t exactly at the scheduled time were questioned. The final straw was when my manager pulled me up for taking…


Quitting after 1 month

I just need to vent. I’m a student at university and I’m in my third year. I worked in retail for the first 1 and a half years, and then I left to work for a firm. I couldn’t hack it with uni so I left and took a break. In that time I devoted myself to doing other things, getting involved with the university and things like that, so I had something to write about for the gap. Fast forward to last month, I decided it was time to pick something up as I needed the money. I had an interview for a “team member” and it was posted online with a vague automated description. I get to the interview and I’m told I can go in a few different departments. I pick one and she offers me the job there and then without even giving me time to…


Just got rejected from a summer job because I “didn’t have enough experience”

You know, summer jobs, the jobs young people often take as one of their first job to get a bit of experience before starting a full-time adult job? Well, apparently they wanted someone with “a bit more experience”. It just kinda sucks. It was designated as a job for students who are still in college, so kind of like a paid internship almost. It was perfectly related to my field of study, but, alas, “experience”. Just feeling a bit beat up. I know the whole “you need more experience” can be a vicious cycle, and I know about the “entry level jobs, requires 5 years of experience a degree” type of bullshit, but this is just a new low. A summer job of only a couple months at most, designated for students in college, requires “more experience”…


Employer doesn’t want us clocking in until we reach the first house call.


Musk just laid off 10% of his workforce to “stay hungry”. Now he is expecting to get paid more. Despicable.


Help me find some stability in life.

Last night, I had verbal fight with my brother and had to leave his apartment and move to a hotel. I am staying in Bangalore and have no job. I do freelance and write content and marketing copies to meet my expenses. Due to such unforeseen circumstances, I am left with very little savings and have no idea how long it's gonna last. Due to less salary and toxic work environment, I left my job in March 2022 and since then, I relied on my freelancing gigs to make my ends meet. Now, I am desperately looking for some quick money or a job that guarantees me a considerable amount of money. I want to stay in Bangalore and work my ass off to have some sort of control over my life. I am not asking for free money or anything, I just to have some work and earn money…


Management Lies

Just last month we had a team wide meeting saying that despite lower support volume for our IT department that we wouldn’t be laid off. What do you know comes in my inbox from our Director.


I finally found out why my Employer would not provide my co workers and I about details of our Quarterly Bonuses

I started my marketing job about a year ago and since day 1, I was told that we would receive quarterly bonuses based upon the revenue that comes in from the products we market. I had been trying to iron out hard numbers on this but was having management seemed to dodge the issue. The best I got was “If we hit our goals, your bonus will be 1% of your salary” but no explanation of what the goals were and how it was being tracked. Well I feel like that was intentional because I found out yesterday that we exceeded our goals for Q1 2024 and should have seen our bonuses already. When I asked my manager about why we hadn't seen it yet, I found out that the CEO arbitrarily decided to cancel the Quarterly bonus program. No message from the CEO, not even a meeting about it.…