
New name for inept management – Manglement.

Saw this on r/pettyrevenge New name for inept management – Manglement.


Toxic Environment 3 Months In

Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster here. I feel I need advice and a good vent so here it goes. I (F26) recently started working in a small property management office, it is just myself, my manager (we’ll call her Marie), and a maintenance technician. I was in college but due to financial circumstances I had to join the work force again and accepted a job in an industry I have worked in from the time I was 20 until about a year ago when I left to go back to school. When I interviewed the job I accepted sounded like a dream – great pay for this industry, 3 weeks PTO, benefits, etc. On my first day I started seeing the red flags. My manager proclaimed herself as “intense” and casually slipped in that every other week I would need to work 6 days in a row…


Genuine question: why do some countries have a larger min wage and make money fine but not in Canada or the US?

For instance in some countries the minimum wage is $23/hr or something, and the price of their food is almost the same as in another country where minimum wage is $7 or $15 an hour and said companies will complain that if the wage is higher they won't make money. I'm certain it's just greed but I can't really find an answer. Is there a legit reason for this like shipping or manufacturing or is it literally just greed?


been thinking

every job posting should indicate the number of years to buy/own the cheapest living quarter within 10km radius, besides pay grade. one without considering inflation another with projected inflation say $3/hr job, show the middle school calculations on number of years need to achieve the minimum security/ownership. Similar for other higher paying ones. just a thought.


I ain’t risking it all for $20/hr

I just had a buddy try to convince me to leave my job and apply for a Correctional Officer in Florence, AZ for $24/hr. Hard pass.


My employer wants us to go to the office once a week …the office is empty

I usually go once or twice a month. They've been pressuring us to go at least once a week, but there's no point. Even if I go to the office, part of my team is remote so all meetings are virtual anyway. They said they might make it mandatory if people don't start coming more often. I told my boss I would still not come more often and I would really be unhappy if they decided to go that way. It sucks because the job is pretty good otherwise. Also, this is such a waste of equipment and resources. There are over 60 workstations, the whole office is heated or air conditioned for a few people a week. Rant over


Can I send a bill for my time if I don’t get the job?

I’ve been going through the application process for a new job and have spent approx 5 hrs so far in 2 interviews, and 2 lengthy personal forms. I have 2 more interviews coming up which should bring my total hours to about 8. A full days work. I already have a job that I enjoy but I want to keep my options open, and they reached out to me in the first place. I understand that companies want to make the right decision when hiring someone but I am getting sick and tired of this lengthy process. In the case that I do not get the job, can i bill them for the time that I have spent on this?


The Way it Should Be

I’ve been away from my job for about a month, unpaid, for some medical issues. I will hopefully go back in the next few weeks. My boss called this morning to check on me. He asked if I was going to be near work any time soon. I told him I was actually going to be there today to drop off some paperwork. “Make sure I see you when you are here.” He’s a cool guy, so I just assumed he wanted to chat for a few minutes. I get there and he and I start talking. We talk for just long enough for my co-workers to bring in a ton of groceries for me. I found out later that he bought it all. There are still good bosses in the world.


Jon Stewart on AI: ‘It’s replacing us in the workforce – not in the future, but now’


From the WBEZ news roundup email this afternoon. I appreciate the chutzpah of whatever employee(s) put this out.

​ From the WBEZ news roundup email this afternoon. I appreciate the chutzpah of whatever employee(s) put this out.