
Got fired after turning in my two week notice… I have a few questions

So after taking flma leave after my daughter was born and the rest of my vacation time to care for her, me and my wife realized that we needed someone to stay at home. I decided once my vacation was over I'd summit my two weeks at the company I had been working at for the last 10 years. They pulled me in an office sometime later after letting them know and fired me because “between the flma and using the rest of your vacation that was the final straw.” And terminated me. Can I file for unemployment? I'm in south carolina. The only thing I'm really worried about is a bad reference now when I'm looking for a new job. How worried should I be about this considering the circumstances and the fact that it was my employer for the last ten years? Thank you.


I’m a commission employee yet my employer demands I provide unpaid labor

As the title states, l'm a commission worker in the Midwest, United States. Without being specific, my career is licensed-based, and I work for a small, private practice. For context, I get no PTO, no benefits, no 401k, no bonuses, and of course, no overtime. My commission rate is small so l'm constantly financially struggling. My employer expects all of us who work here (we'r commission employees) to provide labor that we are not paid to do. The following are the unpaid tasks we're expected to perform: • Clean the individual rooms that we use with clients, which is the most reasonable aspect of this issue. However, the extent that we're expected to clean is more than I believe to be fair. I'm a licensed professional with a set job title, and mopping the floor isn't in that job description! There is no cleaning crew. • Do laundry (sheets, towels,…


Ground crews for VivaAerobus on strike in Houston


I want to do as little as possible in life and at work.

I just want to do as little as possible in life. Life is already so hard with this bipolar disease. I don’t want to go for that promotion, I don’t want to work out every single day, I don’t want to work hard and get recognized. I literally just want to fuck off as much as possible and escape as much as possible from my problems. It’s the only thing that brings me comfort.


I bite my tongue because of the hypocrisy in the work environment. How do you do it?

Hi, English is not my first language. I hate being an employee. I was a freelancer but as I need to buy an apartment, a “permanent” contract is needed. I am in trial period until tomorrow. We are under staffed, management recently opened 6 positions in one day after 3 burn out but not a lot of people accept the offer because of how low they pay. Colleague explained to me how she cried on her way home one day and people were helping on the bus. I need to stay 2 years in total for my project. Last week, a client asked me to do a task for an event end of June. As you can imagine, I have the same work to deliver on events BEFORE this one for the same client (doesn't even make sense). So, I said no problem, will do for next Wednesday ( knowing…


Interview boomer job hoping

Had an interview where a boomer asked since I had 4 jobs over 12 years if that was a red flag if they should hire me. One of the longest jobs on there was nearly 6 years. Like wtf these people are stuck in the last century and that nothing compared to what most of millenial gen z have to change jobs often out of neccessity.



I’m a physical therapist with 25+ years in the same clinic. I was promoted to my present position about 10 years ago. I am doing the same amount of work, maybe more at this point. Does anyone else have to justify their position every year? It makes me feel worthless. And it really pisses me off that managers, who make no money for the company, are the ones asking ME to justify! Ugh.


Please help me brainstorm

Hi! I will try to make this short. I work at an office (I have my own space) and I am technically an apprentice/student of sort. I am 1/4 of the way through my office-administration education and I need to stay here for 1,5 years more. I work here full time, but I barely have work enough for a part time job. I keep knocking on everybodys doors asking if they need help with anything and my boss doesn’t really want to do much about it (but I will try to talk to them about it again). I honestly just feels like there is no need for me, so spending a full work week in an office doing nothing is really affecting my mental health. I feel useless and like I am wasting my life. My question is: is there any ideas as to what I can do in my…


I can’t believe I have to work for the next 40 years

I have a good WFH job, making 6 figures, in a larger US city. Sure it’s purposeless, pointless work, but it’s objectively a great situation and am very fortunate compared to a lot of people. And even then, I can’t fucking do it. I just lost my shit at work after having an existential crisis realizing that for the next 40 years it’s just going to be me stressing about fucking meetings. But hey it’s better than what it could be I guess. What in the world are we even striving for anymore


California considers “right to disconnect” bill to prevent bosses contacting workers out of hours | Californians could soon have a better work-life balance