
I cannot even get an interview

I am about to graduate with a BS in Computer Science. I have been plainly unable to obtain an internship over the course of my schooling. I have a couple of certifications, and I have, what I would consider, some fairly significant projects to put on my resume. Ones with real clients. I have over the last couple of months, put out a total of 660 applications for entry level jobs, junior level positions and internships. I have gotten more than 100 rejection emails. I had one company send me a coding assessment which I think i just about nailed (3 coding questions and a free response. Got full correct on the first two, even scoring the bonus functionality of the second question. Got 8/11 test cases for the last question to pass). I ultimately got a rejection from that one as well. I don't know what I'm supposed to…


Feel like I am going insane… *rant*

Started a job around 6 months ago. Recently put in my two weeks notice after a male coworker was very inappropriate with me (i.e., took advantage of me in an area of the facility that has no cameras, coerced me into physical contact). HR did NOTHING after doing an “investigation” (literally just told us to “stay away” from each other). In my notice, I told administration that I no longer felt safe since I was expected to work with that particular coworker and act as though nothing had happened… and that, overall, I was overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated for the amount of work that was expected of me. Administration called me and terminated my employment immediately after reading the notice — before my two weeks was up! So now, I am stuck trying to find another job before bills are due… with no savings to speak of due to the…


Job cut my hours for 6 months. Have fun talking to the legal department.

My job is a certified QC inspector in my manufacturing field. I am very good at what I do and am extremely confident in my abilities to locate issues and resolve them (which there is a lot of here). To set it up, I'll say my finances are based off of a 50hr work week which includes overtime, and that overtime definitely helps to pay bills. Cutting my hours with no warning really fucked me at a time I needed it most with my wife out of a job and supporting 2 kids has been brutal. I have been pissed for this whole time but where I live there's nothing else in my field and started a side hustle of lawn maintenance to pay bills. Cue the story. 6 months ago we have a meeting to go over a new contract and by the look of it this job/customer is…


We aren’t paid enough

A thought occurred to me. The costs of having children rise while pay stagnates. This means that your average person will struggle to make ends meet while attempting to raise a child. If it is not possible to raise a child without worrying about whether or not the bills will be paid, then most people will not have kids. If I remember correctly, the birth rate is slowly declining. This will be a problem down the line for our capitalist overlords. But they can't have their cake and eat it…. Actually, that analogy doesn't quite work. They've already gotten a cake and eaten it, and now they're going for seconds. Unfortunately, us peasants cant make more slaves, I mean babies, for them if they don't pay us more. The birth rates will continue to decline until the situation changes.


$3 per minute?? Transcriber job

Hi, So for the sake of paying rent, I picked up a potential side hustle as a transcriber. *I’ve only done the trial video (compensated). I have not signed the agreement yet for the rest of their videos. They’re waiting on me – I wanted to hear y’all opinions first. Contractual, no social media presence required, no zoom meetings, etc – – the circumstance feels kinda perfect for me. Except the standard rate is $3 per minute. $5 per minute for rush rate, which is probably infrequent. I’m not too sure about that. In comparison, one of my previous clients paid $0.18 per word. I’m trying to figure out if I’m being ripped off or not. The trial video was 10 mins long with four people talking. It took me total of 5 hours of watching the video, typing, revising grammar, and formatting the file (my obsession w perfection may…


Company told me that internal promotions cap out at 10% salary increase when it should be closer to a 40% increase. I’m going to tell them to stick it.


NEET Convergence


Things have been bad and today I hit my breaking point

Well, I’ve always been a top performer. Last year I killed myself following a layoff and restructuring to move things forward. Leading the process and figuring out nuances. When it came time for performance reviews I was not promoted. I was recognized as top talent but given a shitty raise and very little extra bonus. Then, comes another layoff and restructuring… I had been escalating the workload not being feasible with Others on PTO and loss of additional has shrugged me off for weeks and now that deadlines are around the corner, shit is hitting the fan. I asked again what priority was bc getting all completed was not feasible.. I got “no one thing is more important and it all needs to be done.” I cried all day. I’m mentally and physically exhausted. The lack of support caused me to completely shut down and do nothing at all.…


Is it normal to feel suic!dal over your job?

My job makes me want to unalive. It’s incredibly stressful and the workload is unrealistic. A coworker of mine recently quit because they were consistently working 60 hours while being paid for 40. If say we are overwhelmed, the manager says we have poor time management. Is it normal to want to unalive because my job has unrealistic expectations?


Shareholders coming for your pensions

So if your company pension is in surplus, shareholders think they have a right to the money the employees have saved into it Seriously fuck this shit!!