
To my boss who doesn’t know I’m quitting..Fuck You

It's been 5 months of hell. You think I'm dependent on that paycheck. The reality is that I don't need you. You need me. If anything, you're too dependent on me. I have a passive income. I don't need this job. I'm just a workaholic because I love saving money. Good luck finding someone to work at the crack of dawn. I was the only one who applied. I was heated and stressed out. I remained calm and didn't yell. I tried to politely explain to you that things need to change. In return, you immediately interrupt me and are defensive. You could have at least given me an ounce of respect and heard what I have to say first. You're are so far over your head, and you have no clue what you are doing because you fail to face reality. You can't see reality because you hide. You…


here’s a comeback forthere’s no I in team”


Professional Trust, what’s that??

This happened ~10 years ago, but another post I was reading jogged the memory. Little background: I'm a salaried engineer, and I have a strong sense of fairness in the workplace, i.e., I'm a great employee, but I WILL point out when management is being stupid. I never tracked my time at this job, since we never billed hours. I've always been pretty flexible in work-time, working my full time, but knowing I'm salaried and nobody's work depends on me being at my desk at a specific time. So when I was working in an office, I may come in anywhere from 630-9, and leave anywhere from 5-8. Our management somehow got it in their heads that the salaried employees weren't working full time, so they put in a fucking old-school paper-punch-card timeclock. Whatever, it's stupid, but I know I put in my time, so, whatever. After 2 weeks, I…


Billionaire is more important: Tesla slashes its summer internship program to cut costs, as Elon Musk fights to save his $45 billion pay plan


New “Interim” CEO wants everyone to come in the office 3x a week when majority of the people don’t come in at all and some come 1x a week.. he needs to go

Our CEO announced he's retiring. He was fantastic. The new interim CEO has great ideas and it seems like he'll help us grow BUTTTTTTT this dumb hoe just said he wants everyone to come in at least 3x a week in the office for a better collaborative environment. Sir, you can lick my toes then we can be collaborative.


3 Companies took a year to tell me a position is filled

Sorry for long photo. Luckily I have a job in a local union (yay!) but this should be illegal


Flew out to interview for a position they already had filled (without telling me). Then they tried to buy the company I work for

TLDR; Company flew me and wife out, gave us verbal and email salary offer, sent us with realtor, offer on house accepted, then said they can only pay 65% of what was quoted because position had been filled (before flying me out). Then tried to buy company I work for. Received a call from a recruiter I had worked with before, she said she found the perfect position for me, but I'd have to relocate. She told me the pay was low 200s, so I said sure let me talk to them. We had a video interview and they loved me. Told me to book flight to come out to see them with my wife. Within an hour the owner is texting me asking what my wife does for work so they can help find her a job, tells me I can use his condo which sits empty for 6…


Update of my dumb boss who allocated me 30 minutes to discover what is google search engine code – I’m no longer allowed to speak to my coworker outside my work hours

Hi. I work in a tiny company of three (my “boss, my coworker and I). Its a company whith a lot of turnover, workers staying only one year usually an “boss” decided some years ago to expand because we were willing to stay and she didn't have to worry every year for the next year staff. Everything was fine until two years ago when said “boss” decided she can't stand my coworker and to start bitching regularly about my coworker or insult her. Coworker failed to sleep at night, anxious about it and broke in tears in front of me a couple of times. In fact, one time she didn't answered phone calls and SMS, I started to fear she might have attempted to kill herself. Until new year's eve, my coworker wasn't yet sure to stay or to leave and was awaiting to see if “boss” will grow up…


They are slowly adapting.


How to plan a 2-week vacation without getting in trouble?

I’m trying to plan a trip to Japan/Korea in Spring 2025. I work hourly at a grocery store and although I am able to earn vacation days, I highly doubt I’ll have 2 weeks saved up by then. I am part of a union and I’ve heard it’s difficult to get fired, but would it look bad if I took more time off than I have? I’m a great employee, so they would have no other reason to reprimand me. Although I do enjoy the job, I don’t want it to keep me from taking a travel opportunity. Edit: I’m in Oregon, USA