
I’m lost for word…


Getting fired for not being fast enough when there’s no replacement

I work for a homeware store. Myself and a guy we'll call Larry are the only people in the stockroom and do the heavy, menial shit. Hired me 2 weeks ago to replace Larry who's leaving. He'd been doing this singlehandedly with occasional help from a manager. He apparently kept asking them to hire somebody to help him for the entire 6 months he'd been here and they kept refusing. So anyway, I get told by my manager that the director thinks I'm too slow to be Larry's replacement. Here they have a dedicated, hardworking guy leaving because they refuse to have two stockroom operatives at the same time, and then they fire the replacement i.e me. So now they'll become extremely overwhelmed unless they can hire someone quickly before Larry and I leave, and they better pray they hire a unicorn, superhuman machine for this measly paying job. Not…


Using death as an excuse to skip work

Viva La Dirt League has quite a few videos that fit here. Their gaming satire is on point as well!


Concerned about future of work as third world citizen

I know this sub is american sub and most people here are from US, and I had few things that I have pondered over a very long time and maybe this sub becuase of its theme and focus might have people who can offer some insight, so i came here. I am from a very financially weak background and as well valueswise i did not receive any hard core good values to fare well in life. the thing is it is often thing at my place where we see work/employment/job as a way to uplift life, since childhood I saw the things same way, I thought if i work hard and gain a good “job”, i will have opportuntities to improve my life, but since i entered my late teens , it became more and more hopeless and gloomy to have any good chance in life, as if everything is…


Blue Collar Doctrine is a problem.


Manager told me I made her hire me.

Yes, the title is correct. No. I obviously didn't. Honestly, I'm kind of pissed, but that's because the situation was so recent. Today I went to put in my two weeks. The work culture was absolutely horrible at that place. I'm talking about yelling at employees, public shaming, and 1-day brain mesh training. (plus much more) I just couldn't take it anymore, and I worked 5 hours a week, once a week, at minimum wage. It just wasn't worth it. I had multiple people telling me to quit. I waited until the end of my shift and asked her to come to the back with me because, even though the managers at that job seemed to be into exhibition, I wanted to be professional and keep it cool. I told her I was putting in my two weeks. And before I even got to the why (which was going to…


Sussy TED talk shared more than once…

I'm suspecting the sharing of this TED talk is not organic and is part of some kind of pysop. Maybe I'm crazy, but it's kind of odd that more than one person has shared the same centrist trash on here. Am I crazy?


Cool channel on You tube she makes some cool vidoes on working in the USA and the obsirdity of it all xd


Voting pro-worker: third parties and the Electoral College

Without addressing the pros or cons of lesser-of-two-evils voting, I'd like to point out that if you vote in a solidly red or solidly blue state, your presidential vote might as well be for the best candidate – because your vote won't change how your state's electoral votes are allocated. One place to check is If your state isn't there, it probably means RCP reckons the winner of your state is a given – but by all means Google to verify. EDIT: Or check – state filter at the bottom of the page on mobile.


Fungi Perfecti workers joining together with LiUNA 252