
“Professionalism” contradicts “we’re a family”

It just sounds like gaslighting and manipulating to me, to, you know, give us a green light to their abuse.


A little vent about not getting the job

Been with the company for 10 years, I work in a food distribution center and I have been in this DC a Quality control job was up so I applied as some of the other QC people asked me to. I've been in this DC since it opened and I find out today I didn't get the job, now normally I would just be a little upset but I heard from a coworker who also wanted to apply for it that the manager in charge of QC told him not to bother as he already had someone in mind, I am assuming that person probably got it. The grind is just really getting to me.


Get fucked


Why do people defend the idea of people working into retirement age?

This is a bit of a rant, but I just don't understand why so many people think it's acceptable or even beneficial to work over retirement age. Do they not realize they've been conditioned to think that work equals fulfillment/purpose? Of course you're going to get bored and feel like you need a job if you've been forced to work your whole life.


Rant/ Advice needed

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, I’m located in Ontario, Canada just so everyone reading knows. I work for a retail company, that I’ve been working for since 2018 part time. Recently I transferred stores since I moved across the city and couldn’t travel to my original store anymore. With that being said the new store manager has it out for me. I have not been scheduled since November 2023. He rarely puts me on the schedule despite me having the availability to work. Every time he does put me on the schedule (once every 2-4 months) I get called into a meeting about the lack of work ethic I have and how I barely work any shifts. I have a shift next week and I’m dreading going in because I know I’m going to get called into a meeting with him where I know…


I can’t handle the idea of going back to work, period!

I was recently in a coma, it seriously fucked up my physical and mental health. I can't stand for more than 30-60 minutes without being exhausted, I'm angry and sad at all times, I'm pretty sure I start sundowning at night, I sleep all the time, except for at night, I'm miserable and it's not likely to get better anytime soon I honestly don't know how I can handle finding a new job and going back to work, but I have to. I can't go back to my old career, it required a TON of physical work, but how am I supposed to break into something new in my late 30s without any experience in any of those fields, in fact I get nothing but rejection letters due to them pursuing better matches. Even if I were to get interviews or, God forbid a job, I feel like I'll just…


Just graduated (again) at 36. Now what?

Graduated in 2011 with a BA, tried law school, failed. Went to work at a bank for a few years. Went on stress leave. Decided to go back to school. Yada yada yada 3 years later. Now what? All the jobs in my field (sports management) are part time or tend to go to women and POC first (which is fine but I’m a white cis dude) The fuck do I do now? Edit- sports management It’s a business degree


I was fired this morning. Likelihood of approval if filing for unemployment?

So, this company I've been with the past 9+ months has been in the process of merging 4 companies into one to service the US, which was recently completed, and then the transition into a (horribly outdated) software for everyone to be in sync service and billinh wise, took place 4/1, and the remaining on 5/1. Note: I was with my previous employer for nearly 7 years and maybe knew of TWO people being outright fired. Occasionally you'd hear of the professional leave to a new company. Fast forward, this company who recently let me go, I've seen between 5-10 people abruptly quit or be fired during my tenure, as if mgmt. does not want to retain staff at all. It was a mess. Anyhow, I've been struggling the past two months+ and working a lot of hours from home as I was salary and felt obligated to keep up.…


“There is a gap in your CV – Yeah, it was awesome”

Saw this German meme and thought of you.


This is because we tax more work than capital!