
Received a “business plan” to change shifts (Scotland)

I have been working weekend night shift rota for almost 2 years in a business that requires 24hr cover operating heavy machinery remotely. I just received a business plan stating myself as the sole reason people work 18hr shifts because I cannot change my shift or am flexible enough. I asked to stick to these shifts originally and have done so successfully. But now they want me off them. The shifts still need covered but now everyone is to take turns doing them. It was never contractually changed and so I now have to fight it. I’m shocked to find they have people working 18hr shifts. It’s not constant work and is more when someone shouts for help we need to log in and fix the machine. But to be ready 1pm until 7am seems excessive and also not my fault. And quite frankly dangerous. I put in for flexible…


Typical bootlicker humor

Seen in an engineering office, and the math ain't mathin'.. I get it's supposed to be funny, but damn if it isn't close to reality with some bosses.


Got fired for being too honest.

I refuse to write down fake numbers, I’m not Harry Potter my pencil isn’t Magical, Quality Control is a fake position where I worked. There is a pvc plastic pipe company in Iowa C••••••e Pipe you can figure it out, I’m mad idk where else to put this but they are required to keep there pipe within certain specifications for NSF certification but they don’t it’s a lie 80% of the pipe goin out the door is technically a defects. If you buy pvc pipe anything come from that plant over the last 4 years is guaranteed bad. If you want an easy refun for free pipe get a micrometer and calipers I am telling you as someone with firsthand knowledge you will find defects in every pipe which is enough for a refund or reimbursement for re doing a job.


Boss Takes Away Hours

I am a salaried employee. My normal hours are M-F 9-5 or 8-5 with a lunch hour. I make my own schedule. I understand that I will be asked to do some jobs on Saturday occasionally or after 5 some week days. I figured that's included in the salary and it all evens out in the end with missed time for appointments and such. I have worked several Saturdays and I worked Good Friday while everyone else had off. (Boss failed to tell me not to schedule any work so that's why I was the only one working.) I had a doctor's appointment Tuesday and notified the boss that I would be heading to the appointment after my 11:00 customer. Nothing was said. I go to pick up my check on the 1st and I'm told that they deducted hours for my doctor's appointment. I didn't say anything at the…


anti work awareness strikes what should i do?

i was okay with working when i was doing part time at a restaurant. i was paid for the hours i work and i get to have my life outside of work. now im working a 9 to 5 and it’s a whole different story. i am expected to reply to work related messages all the time and the manager keeps talking about things like she is giving us opportunities to learn and grow by giving us tasks that are out of our responsibility. you know the same old shits managers say to manipulate you. it’s so clear that none of us like it here and i don’t know why others are pretending that they are okay with this. we also have to work overtime uncompensated(we are paid monthly) i am very clear that i am not going to have a better life or become a better human from this…


As a barista, I got scolded by my manager for telling a customer I don’t want to give him my phone number

I love my job, I love the company I work in, but today I got upset because my manager told me to mind my attitude since I’m at the front with customers. Today the queue was long and there was many people behind him, and while taking his latte order, I asked him what else would you like today? He told me I could use ur phone number too and he handed me a note and paper, I passed it back to him and said, I’m sorry sir there’s many in line waiting please step aside and wait for your order. There was some boos from the customers behind him and some even said we dont mind just give him the number. The manager stepped in and told him sorry for her (my) attitude and everything went as a regular day. She told me at the back to not do…


To my boss who doesn’t know I’m quitting..Fuck You

It's been 5 months of hell. You think I'm dependent on that paycheck. The reality is that I don't need you. You need me. If anything, you're too dependent on me. I have a passive income. I don't need this job. I'm just a workaholic because I love saving money. Good luck finding someone to work at the crack of dawn. I was the only one who applied. I was heated and stressed out. I remained calm and didn't yell. I tried to politely explain to you that things need to change. In return, you immediately interrupt me and are defensive. You could have at least given me an ounce of respect and heard what I have to say first. You're are so far over your head, and you have no clue what you are doing because you fail to face reality. You can't see reality because you hide. You…


here’s a comeback forthere’s no I in team”


Professional Trust, what’s that??

This happened ~10 years ago, but another post I was reading jogged the memory. Little background: I'm a salaried engineer, and I have a strong sense of fairness in the workplace, i.e., I'm a great employee, but I WILL point out when management is being stupid. I never tracked my time at this job, since we never billed hours. I've always been pretty flexible in work-time, working my full time, but knowing I'm salaried and nobody's work depends on me being at my desk at a specific time. So when I was working in an office, I may come in anywhere from 630-9, and leave anywhere from 5-8. Our management somehow got it in their heads that the salaried employees weren't working full time, so they put in a fucking old-school paper-punch-card timeclock. Whatever, it's stupid, but I know I put in my time, so, whatever. After 2 weeks, I…


Billionaire is more important: Tesla slashes its summer internship program to cut costs, as Elon Musk fights to save his $45 billion pay plan