
New “Interim” CEO wants everyone to come in the office 3x a week when majority of the people don’t come in at all and some come 1x a week.. he needs to go

Our CEO announced he's retiring. He was fantastic. The new interim CEO has great ideas and it seems like he'll help us grow BUTTTTTTT this dumb hoe just said he wants everyone to come in at least 3x a week in the office for a better collaborative environment. Sir, you can lick my toes then we can be collaborative.


3 Companies took a year to tell me a position is filled

Sorry for long photo. Luckily I have a job in a local union (yay!) but this should be illegal


Flew out to interview for a position they already had filled (without telling me). Then they tried to buy the company I work for

TLDR; Company flew me and wife out, gave us verbal and email salary offer, sent us with realtor, offer on house accepted, then said they can only pay 65% of what was quoted because position had been filled (before flying me out). Then tried to buy company I work for. Received a call from a recruiter I had worked with before, she said she found the perfect position for me, but I'd have to relocate. She told me the pay was low 200s, so I said sure let me talk to them. We had a video interview and they loved me. Told me to book flight to come out to see them with my wife. Within an hour the owner is texting me asking what my wife does for work so they can help find her a job, tells me I can use his condo which sits empty for 6…


Update of my dumb boss who allocated me 30 minutes to discover what is google search engine code – I’m no longer allowed to speak to my coworker outside my work hours

Hi. I work in a tiny company of three (my “boss, my coworker and I). Its a company whith a lot of turnover, workers staying only one year usually an “boss” decided some years ago to expand because we were willing to stay and she didn't have to worry every year for the next year staff. Everything was fine until two years ago when said “boss” decided she can't stand my coworker and to start bitching regularly about my coworker or insult her. Coworker failed to sleep at night, anxious about it and broke in tears in front of me a couple of times. In fact, one time she didn't answered phone calls and SMS, I started to fear she might have attempted to kill herself. Until new year's eve, my coworker wasn't yet sure to stay or to leave and was awaiting to see if “boss” will grow up…


They are slowly adapting.


How to plan a 2-week vacation without getting in trouble?

I’m trying to plan a trip to Japan/Korea in Spring 2025. I work hourly at a grocery store and although I am able to earn vacation days, I highly doubt I’ll have 2 weeks saved up by then. I am part of a union and I’ve heard it’s difficult to get fired, but would it look bad if I took more time off than I have? I’m a great employee, so they would have no other reason to reprimand me. Although I do enjoy the job, I don’t want it to keep me from taking a travel opportunity. Edit: I’m in Oregon, USA


The double standards is wild lol

Some context: this isn’t the first long text we’ve received about how we suck, there’s been quite a few which is why I was fed up and actually said something. My manager will always find something a closer missed, like once I got told I didn’t rinse off a rag that took the opener 5 seconds to do. At my job we have an actual position (that comes with a promotion + raise) called a trainer, which I am not one. However, we do have a trainer but they don’t train. So, I was in charge of training the new hire with no raise and I did it but I guess not well enough (oops)!


Contributing to society

If society had to start over and there could only be a thousand people how many of those people would be stock traders, hedge fund managers, CEOs of multi-conglomerate corporations, Bank CEOs, professional athletes? What would those people contribute to society? What do they contribute to society as a whole now? Not the capitalistic hold on society but actually society.. what are your thoughts?


Getting rebuked by a random coworker for liking a competitor’s LinkedIn post

My department is extremely short-handed. Over the last month or so, we've lost roughly half our team between people being let go, moved to other teams or leaving, and that includes losing our department head. The few of us left are doing multiple jobs at this point to keep the lights on, while also being pushed on expanding strategy and reach. I'm burnt out beyond belief. We also just had our yearly bonuses delayed despite hitting our numbers. I'm not sure the company is doing well, and we're living in the unknown that a new dept. head could come in and blow up everything that remains at any moment. Today a random coworker, not on my team or one I've ever met in person, messaged me to ask what I was thinking liking a competitor's LinkedIn post. I tend to appreciate good content no matter who it's from. I don't…


Are you being misclassified as an independent contractor?

I made a post months ago complaining about my job and through some very supportive people in the comments (thank you!) discovered I was being misclassified as an independent contractor and I was actually an employee. I recently just came across another post where someone else is also probably being misclassified so I wanted to make a post about some things I’ve learned so hopefully you don’t get taken advantage of. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and this only applies to US residents. Companies do not get to decide whether or not you are their employee. The relationship you have with the company determines whether or not you are an employee. If you are an employee, even if they said you’re not, you are still protected by employment laws. This includes wage laws, wrongful termination laws, taxation laws, etc. If you talk to your employer about being misclassified, they…