
Old (horrible) supervisor is going to become my new manager.

I left my last job (of over 2 years) about 8 months ago due to emotional stress caused by some coworkers and my supervisor (female). I, who happened to be the only woman and gay, was constantly getting talked about, lied about, and treated poorly by some coworkers and the supervisor. I went to HR on multiple occasions trying to get the behavior to stop, but HR would not do anything about it. After it started affecting my physical health, I finally left that job and took a couple months off before getting my current job. I have been at this job since January, and although I don’t enjoy the type of work, industrial quality lab tech, my coworkers and supervisors are great. I was not planning on staying at this job long term, just until I found a job I really would enjoy. They have been interviewing for a…


I’m starting to feel sick whenever I go to the office

I’m a hybrid worker, and during this week, on days when I’ve had to go to the office, I’ve had persistent headaches and slight nausea that would go away as soon as I got home. Is anybody else experiencing this? I think it may be a physical manifestation from my body of my hatred of having to be in the office.


How the US Is Destroying Young People’s Future | Scott Galloway | TED


It just keeps getting worse (or better?)

I don’t know who left this review. It’s a name I don’t recognize. But I’m just going to leave this here.


Employer just forgot to pay us.

That's it. That's the whole post. Currently on vacation and was hoping to, you know, buy things with my paycheck like gas, food, souvenirs, but I guess not now.


I was lied to, so I’m lying back

I’m a teacher at an awful school, but was told how ‘excellent’ this school was in my interview. Some of the pictures from their website feature things they don’t even offer anymore, which enticed me. I was also told I’d be able to write my own curriculum, which wasn’t true. The admin really likes me though bc I’m competent (a rarity here), so I’m telling them I’ll come back after summer, but I’m looking for jobs elsewhere. Part of this feels a bit scummy, but god I’m just so unhappy here. It’s not even the kids’ fault- the school is just so poorly run by admin. Only a few weeks left, but I hate every minute here. I feel like an imposter and bad person. I’m heartbroken that after 5 years I’ve grown resentful and jaded to education as a whole (I don’t even want to transfer to another school,…


Should companies using AI for interviews complain if candidates use AI to answer?

Saw the post about companies using AI for screening candidates. If that's okay, then what's wrong with using AI for answers?


Admin can’t stop being nosey. Should I say something to her or bring it up with management?

I work as an assistant director of children's ministry at a local church. The admin of my department has a problem of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. She will be at her desk and openly eves drops on a conversation from across the room. She has to put her two cents into every conversation that is being had in the office. This admin has called me on my work line saying, “Hey so I was just listening in on this conversation and I think you should do XYZ” I've only been here for ten months, but for some reason no one tells her anything, but only complain to each other about her. She can be pretty intimidating which I think is the main issue. A couple of days ago, I asked the facilities manager to proof read an email I was about to send out which involved him.…


What would someone have to “do” to own a $25 million house?

I work in a very affluent area and some of the houses we work at are in the $25m range. When we arrive at a new particularly fancy house my boss always asks, “what do you think these people do?” To which I generally answer, “probably whatever they want since they’ve always had a ton of money.” She tries to convince me through anecdotal evidence that people come from nothing and make enough to buy these houses, usually some guy she met… Anyway, by my rudimentary calculations you’d have to earn at least $10m per year to qualify for that mortgage. Are there jobs that pay that? How much would a monthly payment be if someone actually took out a mortgage on something like that?


written up while on short term disability leave

I work for a “progressive” nonprofit. Leftist at the bottom, liberal at the top. I just finished running a team for an election cycle. Well, almost finished. About a week before, amidst personal issues, program changes, and very poor communication from management, I ended up have to take leave for mental health reasons. I emailed in the morning I made the decision, and my supervisor asked how my workload would be handled while I was out. I didn't respond, but instead answered the other questions about what PTO I would be using for the extermination period until my short term disability takes effect, etc. My first day of leave was April 18th. Today I got an email with a written warning, outlying a number of grievances (most of which were management caused), including things that didn't fall apart until after I was already out. A lengthy, scathing email to someone…