
A meandering rant about work making me miss seeing the big solar storm last night.

Idk if this is the right sub for this type of rant but it's most definitely anti work so we'll see 🤷‍️ TLDR; A long-winded rant about me missing my chance to see the Auroras because I had to get up early for a job I can't take days off from. Preemptively, I recognize my position of privilege when it comes to being able to complain about something comparatively menial to the other absolute atrocities happening in the world today, but this feels therapeutic and, if nothing else, I want to put it out there for selfish reasons (possible vindication idk). Since the start of my senior year in highschool I've worked in my family's business as a vendor to some local grocery store chains, I get up at five am five days a week and three am on the other two days. I only get national holidays off and…


To Have or To Be? (1976) by Erich Fromm — An online philosophy group discussion on Thursday May 16, open to everyone


Do you still care about taking Medical Leave while serving notice period?

I mean those who have tendered and still serving their notice? Do you still give a dam while taking Medical Leave. or you simply don't care at all?


You’re Fired… but I still want you working for me. #badbosses

They still think that we are their serfs.


An average home today costs 41.5% of average income. In 1980, it cost 25.5%.

The interest rates in 1980 were over 14%. Today they're around 7%. An average home went from $47k to $416k (about 9x). The average annual income went from $21k to $64k in that time (about 3x). If you try to compare household income, things don't look much better. That is now about $75k, so that's still 35% of income, and that's often with two people working. The housing crisis is real, and if we need find a way to fix it now.


Does my friend have a lawsuit?

My friend works for a publicly traded company in the US, and she told me about all sorts of misgivings by the company that range from huge red flag to illegal. Directly affecting her: She has captured a company-wide email from the holidays telling all employees “not to discuss your bonus amount, just like your salaries”. This has been verbally reinforced many times. In recent performance reviews, she found out she is making the least on the team, including two less experienced people hired after her that she trained. (I know one of the others and can confirm, less experienced, and saw his pay sheet). My friend has the highest activity and output of the entire team and is being paid the least, and her performance review did not adjust accordingly. Her manager just told her that one less experienced employee “probably makes more because they assumed he was bilingual”.…


I was fired from a job for refusing to participate in religious training – what would be the appropriate way to still put it on my resume?

Backstory TLDR: My previous workplace put us all up to a Scientology training. I declined to attend. I was fired two days later. I am aware this is illegal and have already spoken to a lawyer blah blah blah, that aspect of this is mostly irrelevant to my primary question. My question is what would be the appropriate way to put this work experience on a resume without them contacting the workplace? My direct supervisor has/had my back and offered to be my reference as did a couple of my coworkers. I don't want to just put “yeah I got fired for speaking up about religious discrimination” because I don't want to look like a shit stirrer. I feel that if I put the workplace on my resume they'll likely want to call them for a reference, but would they want to just call my references from there directly? thanks…


Pluralistic: Amazon illegally interferes with an historic UK warehouse election (06 May 2024)


PSA: Please stop targeting untrained employees for “acting stupid” during final purchases.

Okay I don't know why everyone and their dog lately seems to not realize this but here it is. Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, if you are a customer in retail- STOP targeting untrained employees for “acting stupid” and “not doing their job correctly” when they likely, don't know HOW to do their job correctly! This is usually due to a result of something called 'shark in the water training'. The basic idea is to not completely train an employee so that they may learn from their mistakes on the field. This mistake, could very well be YOUR mistake that the cashier/ associate is trying to navigate– likely alone with little help or explanation. Even IF explanation is given, it is usually LITTLE explanation and not comprehensible but yet, it is always the fault of the cashier/associate. These types of business and managers will…


Trying to pay me $7.25/hr for my 2 weeks for a $24/hr job

Long story short I was working at a job #1 for 2 years and I completely hated it. Switched to another job #2 for a year and came back due to some over promise underdeliver type stuff. I had been interviewing for a job I desperately wanted in the middle and it came available. I put in my 2 weeks with the job #1 2 weeks after I started it back up. I fully expected them to tell me to leave which I was fine with due to being honest with my new employer which offered to start me if they did happen to do so. 3 days ago I look to see a huge old $440 check deposited. This job had part commission so I assumed a second check would be coming but decided to message my old boss just to be sure. Sure enough after he called payroll…