
I’m trying to leave work and my people pleasing is making me over work this email to my managers

Hi everyone. I'm leaving a job I've only worked at for 2 months to help my family. It's a really toxic workplace and my managers act like friends(I don't see them as this) and then completely snap if I don't instantly know everything. It's the day before a 2 week break and this is the message I want to send. Hello, I have some news and I wanted to share it with you both first. I am having some family problems at the moment and i won't be able to continue working after the end of this school term after the exams. My sister had to move home with my nephews, and my parents can't afford to support them at the moment. I know that it's an inconvenient time and I'm sorry for adding to your stress. But I will help find a good replacement and do my best to…


Burnout is getting real bad.

Posted from another reddit Just as the title says. I'm a front end cashier, and I can feel myself just not caring, between the near constant harassment to sell those STUPID predatory ass credit cards, pluses, and all that other nonsense, the horrible shifts that you have to work to have full time benefits – I was hired on as full time, and even worked 40 hours from the beginning, but after three months, I was told “lol no” I wasn't actually “considered” full time, and in order to become full time, I had to switch to this stupid fucking 12:30 – 9:00 Pm shift (Now including Sundays?? Though we close at fucking six??)) The near daily insults from asshole members, a month or so ago, I got a write up for daring to try and go on my lunch on time because I'm diabetic and my sugar was dropping,…


I’m taking a 30k pay cut for sanity, purpose, and peace.

My career has been in social work, direct care, residential program management and sales. I have always made on the lower side because of the type of work I’m committed to doing. I want to have impact and better the lives of others. Last year I got a great offer for more money than I’ve ever made, with a bonus structure. I’ve made more this year than I’ve ever dreamt I would. It is a healthcare company. But the company is sucking the life out of me and I’m watching our patients deteriorate at the hands of this gross mismanagement. I’m doing the job of two people, breaking my back to improve our building and I get not even an annual eval or any kind of professional development. I was well liked by my managers until I was caught discussing salary while trying to empower a coworker to negotiate their…


Spotify CEO Daniel Ek surprised at negative impact of laying off 1,500 Spotify employees


BEST PLACES TO WORK is a scam – don’t fall for it

If a place is bragging that they are “best places to work” they are paying a company to tell them that. They may be a good place, but by definition, there can only be one BEST PLACE to work, and I've seen these posters at every dumb company I've worked at.


Is there a consequence for lying under oath in an unemployment hearing?

*burner handle….just in case Recently had an unemployment hearing. I expected a low-key event but it turned out to be an outrageous version of Law & Order. My ex-employer lied under oath and then doubled-down on his lie. Annnnnnndddd that’s because he did not know I had secretly recorded our conversation (legal where I live). My question is: Is there any consequence to a business or its owner for lying to the court/misrepresenting themselves to the court while under oath?


Need New Sick Leave Laws

Currently at work, on break, so I'm writing a quick post to say: We have GOT to change our policies on coming to work sick. IDK how other than law. One of my coworkers is sick, thought it was a toothache turned into illness. This job, you're allowed to be here sick if you're willing to work. They won't send you home unless you have a fever or are vomiting. You can leave if you want, but they won't because we all have bills. So they're still working. Even if I'm wearing a mask, and so are they, this company will do squat 0 for me if I get sick because of this. It's infuriating! I do my BEST not to get sick – and we work around a TON of elderly! This sick person is liable to get someone killed! Smdh Thanks for listening


COBRA questions

Background: I quit the corporate life earlier this month to pursue what I actually want to do with my life. My health insurance, however, ends on the 30th and I still haven’t received COBRA info in the mail. At a previous position I received a letter within 10 days. HR has confirmed that I resigned with a letter they sent to my personal email. I did research and found that I have 60 days after resigning to enroll, and I know that even if I don’t sign up immediately on May 1 it doesn’t technically count as a lapse in coverage. Questions: 1) What should I do with any health expenses (mostly prescriptions) if I don’t receive the letter before May? 2) When should I expect/have expected to receive COBRA info? 3) If HR is holding out on me, does anyone have any recs for the next steps?


Annoying Sign in my Boss’ Office

Today I noticed a sign in one of my boss’ office that read, “You can’t have a filet mignon lifestyle with a hot dog work ethic.” I didn’t say anything, but it kinda pissed me off because: 1) As much as I’d like to live in a meritocracy, work ethic ≠ pay grade. I know people with filet mignon work ethic who consider themselves lucky to afford a hot dog lifestyle, and I know people with hot dog work ethic that could buy an entire restaraunt’s worth of filet mignon. 2) We don’t work for a Fortune 500 company. He gets paid more than I do, but there’s no one in our building who can afford fucking filet mignon on a regular basis. Maybe a medium rare cut from Outback Steakhouse. Honestly, I’m just glad I don’t like steak.


PSA: REMEMEBR: Time is the only non refundable currency!

You are literally selling hours of time you can never get back once you've sold them for food tokens so please don't work through your lunch or do extra hours without claiming the time back. Also: Every hour you work for free reduces your overall hourly wage for the year.