
What do you do with the other 14?

Curious about the opinion of anti-work as I get more into this subreddit. Most people spend ~10 hours a day sleeping, eating, showering, etc. If nobody was to work what would you do with the other 14 hours x 365 days x ~30-50 years of your life? That’s like 200 000+ hours btw. What would you do with that? And if you say whatever form of recreation, how would that work? How could everyone just spend all that time doing nothing? What solution, in your opinion, is the ideal of anti-work based on? And yeah I get it. This subreddit champions leaving toxic workplaces, prompting the shut down of shit company cultures, discusses the shitshow of economic inequality and exploitive business practices. I agree those are all problems but that is a whole other issue entirely. And not what I am talking about. What I mean to say is how…


Is daily salary a thing?

My boss tells me I’m on daily salary but after leaving a couple hours early when there was no work my pay was shot by two hours. I also don’t get overtime pay. Is this even legal?


My job made it worse to put in a 2 week notice.

After finding a new job, I was about to put in my 2 week notice as I do for places that didn't completely disrespect me. But, when I checked out the employee handbook to see how my PTO would be paid out, I saw they don't pay out any of it when you quit. On top of that, you can't use pto during the time that you have a notice in. So, instead of a 2 week notice, which is better for my co-workers, I'm going to be sick for a bit until my pto pays out and quit without notice.


How to get PTO before leaving

Hello all! I'm a month short of being at my job for a year. My company policy states that if I leave before the year mark, I don't get to cash out my PTO. I'm ready to put my 2-week notice in NOW (if I *must*), but don't know how I can ask to use my PTO after I put in my notice. I live in Oregon. Any advice? Sincerely… “Burned out”


Drs note is just a recommendation

So earlier last month i was in a car accident. as a result i have some bad spine/back/neck/arm injuries. i had to get a mri and they found several herniated and budged discs and fractures. they told me that two of my bulged discs are in a “critical state” and tell me to expressly not to do any lifting, bending or twisting at work and gave me a doctors note stating that and gave them a date/duration for its effectiveness. ​ fast forward to work I scanned and emailed it to HR and they simply told me that it is just a recommendation and that if i cannot complete my job functions that i would be facing disciplinary actions and or termination. ​ fuck this place.


Began using the word “forced” instead of mandatory in regards to OT and suddenly management has an issue with it.

So I work a data entry job and the workload is brutal.We are severely understaffed and they offer a lot of overtime to try and make up for it. The worst part is they mandate a lot of overtime, they usually tell us the morning of and sometimes the OT is upwards of 3 hours a night. Like, sorry but I'd like to eat dinner and take a fucking shit! I can't because they're breathing down our necks and monitor every single click that happens on our PC's. I have many clients that I contact daily and I am the sole person who enters data for their accounts. It's a lot of fucking work but I have a nice rapport with them and it makes things a little easier. They've started commenting on how I'm replying to their emails far later than expected, and I would sometimes reply back that…


I think I won for the 2024 Olympics on “the shittiest boss”

So, to start my friend/boss brought me into a high paying job knowing I was stuck at McDonald's. I appreciated this massively…well turns our the guy is a complete sociopath. It was apparent to my other coworker he brought me there purely for sexual desires. How did this come up you ask? I mentioned how he kept insisting I do MDMA/Molly with him. God bless my coworkers, he quickly told me “X do NOT do that, he's clearly trying to incapacite you and get you horny for sex.” I found this girl he knew before me and her statement “oh yeah he does that, I'd just take his Molly and fuck my husband. He constantly had fits bc I didn't get horny and fuck him instead” so great he's basically a sexual predator. I didn't know Molly made you want sex, I've never had an interest in drugs like that.…


Are “Jobs” Like YouTuber A Signal Of The End?

Human progress and technology has advanced so far that we can have jobs of leisure; I feel as though this is a good sign for humanity and a signal to the end of work as we have come to accept it. With many people being paid a living to do 'work' that does not revolve around tangible productivity and more of these 'jobs' emerging all the time what does the future look like to you? ​


Job searching stinks

Been job searching since December 2023. Applied for two jobs yesterday at the same company. They have a lovely nugget on their career website that it can take from 1 – 3 months from interview to an offer. Do employers / corporations thinks we all live on trust funds? What is happening?


Everyone in my department received one of these from our boss. What is the point of this?

The best part is she hand signed every single one. There’s like 50 people in my department.