
I was in the hospital and couldn’t go to work and my boss just replied ‘k’

Like I explained why I was there, how serious it was, let them know I was discharged but I’m going to be on morphine for the next week cause I’m in a lot of pain still. I said I’ll go in tomorrow as well just to keep things sweet and to both of my texts I just get a ‘k’ reply. No get better soon or I hope you’re okay. I just find this fucking rude. Or am I overreacting?


Bipartisan “Back to Work Act” to limit telework for federal employees.

Not sure if this is allowed but it felt appropriate here as this would significantly limit work from home if passed. It's so annoying this is what our government is focusing on instead of more important issues, especially when WFH offers so much better work life balance.


Not giving a fuck

Stopped giving a fuck about showing up for all 7 days of the week. Last week they called a meeting and told us:“we are in negotiations with the union currently. we are going to start having sign up sheets for weekend overtime but ill tell you now, we are mandating everyone anyways.” Ive been using sick notes as a way to get a day or two off over the past 2 months but today I just called in without any note or anything. Il’l leech off of this piece of shit corporation and do whatever the fuck I want until they boot me, fuck them. I even started taking 1 hour lunches.


Examples of employer lingo?

Hey folks, I'm working on creating some short videos for my union and in one of them, I want to use the types of phrases employers use to try spinning poor working conditions to look like good ones. For example, saying “competitive pay” for poor pay or maybe “light custodial duties” if you work with infants and need to clean up any fluids. I'm also looking for lingo they use to make poor working conditions seem worth it, like “a sense of fulfillment,” “family-like work culture,” etc. For some reason I'm really blanking on these different phrases, so I apologize for not going into more detail. But I'd really appreciate whatever you can contribute!


Why do people think every job has an HR dept you can just “report them” to when there’s an issue

Does it even work well to report violations to HR? I am having an issue with multiple parts of my job and it's an independently owned store not a chain with HR. The one time I did try to report an issue with my paycheck being shorted when I was 18 it did nothing excepy get me retaliated against so I avoid holding that as an option. But lately when trying to seek advice about the supervisor issue the answer is jusy a glib “talk to HR!” when I havent worked for a company with one most of my adult life. I also have more trouble getting hired at those type large companies where small businesses usually praise my work. Am I just being dumb and deserve the abuse for not working at a certain type company? At wits' end but maybe I'm just being stubborn or idiotic Edit: Just…


Advice on absence reviews due multiple illnesses

This past year I've (m29) been plagued with illness after illness (mostly headcolds), which has resulted in 5 periods of absence in the last 12 months. I work in airline industry, and the company absence policy dictates 4 or more absences in a year leads to a Level 1 (of 3) meeting which I've attended already, and have been put on an improvement notice of 6 months (since Feb). I've had to take yet another absence due to a stomach bug/gastritis/food poisoning of some kind. Due to this I'll now have to attend another absence review meeting where the 6 month notice will be extended. This is all stressing me out, and whilst I understand it's all following policy, I feel as if I'm being punished for events beyond my control, and extending the notice an extra 6 months, it feels like I'll just be stuck in a cycle of…


Need help Deciphering Difficult Instructions

Hi all, I'm posting this more my husband. He is currently between a rock and a hard place and because I've never had a position like his, I figured this may be the correct place to ask. I apologize if it isn't. My husband is a Dining Services Director. He has been instructed by his supervisor to cover when his employees call out. Because life, there always seem to be someone needing to call. This wouldn't be much of a problem. My husband is one man but he does understand that he needs to help his team during these times. However, his Supervisors bosses have instructed the exact opposite. They've gotten upset about him having overtime, the fact he's even filling in is an issue. They've suggested he take people from other departments to fill in, even though those people are caregivers and have no experience in a kitche/serving, and…


6 day work week vs 5 days

The difference between having Saturday and Sunday off vs having just Sunday off is criminal. Getting off around 5 pm on a Saturday, it’ll be 10 before you know it . Now you’re stuck between wanting to sleep in vs getting up and out to enjoy your only off day of the week. Which kinda sucks it’s a Sunday because you can’t get anything done that you want to because those places are probably closed. Now on the flip side, if you work a Saturday and get off before 2, realistically probably 12 noon, you can still enjoy a “2 day weekend”


Scared of getting asked to dance during Team outing.

Hi all, I am 25 years old and a few days later I have a full day team outing and that stressed me out. I have no idea what they are planning to do for the whole day but I will be listening to many songs to prepare myself in case I am asked to sing but I really don't even want to go because of my fear of dancing. I am forcing myself as I understand it's important for my life to take part in such things but I would love your help on this. What are the chances I might have to dance? I have never danced in my entire life. I can practice singing listen to songs and handle that if need arises. Only recently have i understood that everyone knows how to dance, it's normal, I had no clue.


Company just deducted last years bonus out of my last paycheck after quitting. Fuck these companies.

So I gave my two weeks at my job after finding something much closer to home with better pay, hours, and benefits. All around a much better opportunity. Well the last two weeks went smooth. I left and all was ok. Left on good terms. Well I got my last paycheck today and I notice it was really short. I checked the pay stub, and I saw that they deducted my last years Summer bonus. I reached out to HR and they told me that every bonus comes with the contingency that you have to stay a year, otherwise they will take it back. No signed agreement, just a standard company policy. I already filed a complaint with the labor board. But I know the company will win because fuck us workers. Just wanted to vent about it. Fuck these companies. This should be illegal. EDIT: wow I did not…