
Does Universal Childcare exist?

Does Universal Child care exist? I imagine this would solve so many issues.


Isn’t it so true?


How much should I charge if neighbors wants me to tutor their kids for an hour?

Yesterday, I was about to leave for work, and my neighbor noticed I had a backpack. He asked if I was going to school, and I told him that I was actually going to work. I told him I work at the local church as a tutor and teacher assistant. He then asked if I would be able to teach both his kids-first grade and third grade-for an hour over the weekend. I was in hurry and said I'll look into and think about it, since I couldn't stay any longer to talk lol. I'm just wondering how much should I price, because and I don't even know how I am gonna approach him about the pay and pricing and with the action money, especially since i am a college student I don’t know how much I can charge or what’s the reasonable price?


Minor with chronic pain after working 8-ish hours

Hi. As the title says, I am a minor and I experienced extreme pain all over my body (mostly legs and back) which make me unable to walk properly. I was a trainee because my school made us choose work somewhere for a week to learn how jobs work, I had just 4 days of work during the last week of march. I was just a stacker and fronter so nothing too tough (aside from some things here and there) and by the end of the week I was in so much pain I could barely move. I just want to know, what could be causing this? I was walking 4-6k steps which is normal and okay for me usually. I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit to ask this, I didn't know where else to post this.


Humans should go back to nature

Capitalism is killing humanity. Capitalism kills the planet. I don't want to live in a world where I need to work in order to just barely live. I interview, 2 days for a job. I hear nothing from them, after both interviewers were practically salivating over my work experience and acting all like “I see no reason why you shouldn't be hired” … And I'm all over Indeed and others, applying to anything. I see ads saying you don't even have to have a GED to get this job. Jobs where even if you only have half a brain, so long as you can walk and talk, you're hired. But me? I'm over-qualified… they're looking for “walk and talk”ability when I have “walk, talk and chew gum” on my resume. That makes me over-qualified. I have full control of my motor functions. That makes me over-qualified. I don't need to…


my boss continuously pushes me to my limits

for context, i am 9 months and one week pregnant (37 weeks). anyone whose been pregnant knows how draining, uncomfortable and miserable this is. she still schedules me 9 hour shifts and when i take a break to go sit down, she asks me why. i’ve also told her i can’t be the only manager on shift in case something were to happen and i needed to leave, i told her this when i was 29 weeks and she’s scheduled me 3x now where i am the only manager. i totaled my car the other day by hitting a deer and she told me she really needed me that day because 1) i was gonna be the only manager for 4 hours and 2) she was expecting company later that evening. i laughed and hung up on her. today i found out her and her husband can’t conceive which now…