
The modern world has no need of slavery


Too beautiful not to share

I won't lie, this caused a giggle fit.


Been sick for weeks finally heard from my boss.

Long story short I live in Nevada. Been sick with broncotics for weeks still coughing needed to return to work after being out for 2. I kept sending doctor notes to my boss. He never replied nor HR. When last Thursday they never got back to me for my regular shift. I wake up and he finally replies to me after weeks to offer me just 2 days a week. I get he needs to cover his business but he basically ghosted me. I feel like he's only coming back to me to cover a gap somewhere. I already been applying to other jobs and got a lead. Should I go to work??


Everyone Wants to Work

“Nobody wants to work anymore”; “But if you give people UBI, they'll sit around and do nothing”. Nah, I think almost everybody wants to work. I think people naturally want to spend their time doing something useful or meaningful or challenging. I look at my friend's list and see people writing novels and playing music, doing art and making stuff, gardening and cooking and canning and pickling food, restoring old cars and houses, volunteering for a hundred different causes, contributing to dozens of open sourced tech projects, teaching, raising children, and doing all kind of work that benefits themselves, their loved ones, and their communities. What we don't want is to sacrifice all of that to “earn a living”. We don't want to spend 40+ hours wasting our lives for someone else's benefit just to prove that we deserve to survive, while all of the important work goes undone because…


Nepotism is one of the worst demotivators there is

I’ve been in corporate America for 6 years. There’s nothing quite like being your department’s top performer for years only to see some lazy, borderline incompetent coworker of yours get promoted over you. The person always happens to be friends with the boss outside of work, their kids are best friends, something like that. I’ve seen this twice now with different bosses. I’ll be at or even below the level of another person, and he/she appears to have less responsibilities than me. When there is “level loading” this person gets off easy and their responsibilities are never equal to mine, even if I’m paid less. The person still underperforms and makes things more difficult for the rest of the team, yet the person gets a 15-20k promotion because the boss loves them personally. Just one of many demotivating factors in today’s work world, but it’s not discussed nearly as often…


Who wants to die next?


This is for a flower delivery company…all the questions were more or less like this


Toxic work culture is driving away 1 in 5 employees


How to turn away top talent while making sure everyone knows your management is miserable to work with 101


Union power..