
I told an employer why I didn’t want to work for them, they blew up at me

I recently got an opportunity that most people would fine great. A company approached me, I didn’t approach them. It didn’t excite me at all and after the preliminary interview I decided not to pursue it anymore and didn’t send in any of the documents they were asking for to continue the process. This was a couple of months ago. Fast forward to today and I get a call from the boss of the place that they noticed they didn’t have any of the materials for my profile and wanted to know why. I was shocked since I assumed that I was already eliminated based on my refusal to send the documents months ago and stops contacting the recruiter. I decided(stupidly) to call back the boss who called me since I wanted to do so in good faith and possibly remain on cordial terms. However I was apprehensive. He asked…


Putting my foot down with the District Manager

After my last post, things began changing, our old Store Manager quit and the Assistant Manager became store manager. Then they went back to the same bullshit as before, they changed us over to scheduling through Microsoft Teams, which means the SM can change the schedule as he sees fit from anywhere. We have been blindsided by schedule changes near daily. As I noted, I was given a 10-hour shift with no notice or consultation and only found out because Teams alerts you to your shift an hour before it begins, here is a copy of the email I sent the DM that I blind cc'd to HR. We have 3 sales reps including myself, and the Store Manager.


Ex-Company offering me a 5$ gift card to sign documents 9 months after laying me off.

Like the title says, I was laid off from my previous organisation and, 9 months later, now they want me to sign some documents on Invention and Assignment Agreement- Supposedly states that everything I've built/invented while I was with them is their intellectual property and not mine. The thing that ticked me off is them saying 'we'll give you a 5$ gift card for signing this'. Now I wanna fuck around w them lol. How can I do this? Feel free to get creative.


This talk is so relevant, it needs to go viral


Trickle down


I’m just not sure this is legal (VA)

It feels wrong that they can take/deny tips for something like missing a name tag (especially if you don't have a name tag in the first place) I have conflicted feelings, I get they want to enforce a dress close but it feels like the wrong way to.


Employers pushing for a 6-day work week

Americans might be forced to work six days a week as companies look to increase profits and move away from the workplace flexibility that became common during the pandemic era.


Boss told my mom to work on resting bitch face for meetings

I'm just flabbergasted the manager had the balls to tell my mom that in her 6 month review. Apparently she's doing great at her job on everything else but she needs to work on masking her emotions when in meetings. Is this appropriate? I told my mom she should bring this to hr as how is she supposed to fix that? Pretend to smile the entire 1-2 hour meeting?


I left the 9-5 to sell my textile art at local art fairs and online. It hasn’t been a walk in the park, but I’ve been making it work.


Candidate turns up and is told interview is cancelled. Then informed the ‘cancellation’ was a test which she failed.