
Employers pushing for a 6-day work week

Americans might be forced to work six days a week as companies look to increase profits and move away from the workplace flexibility that became common during the pandemic era.


Boss told my mom to work on resting bitch face for meetings

I'm just flabbergasted the manager had the balls to tell my mom that in her 6 month review. Apparently she's doing great at her job on everything else but she needs to work on masking her emotions when in meetings. Is this appropriate? I told my mom she should bring this to hr as how is she supposed to fix that? Pretend to smile the entire 1-2 hour meeting?


I left the 9-5 to sell my textile art at local art fairs and online. It hasn’t been a walk in the park, but I’ve been making it work.


Candidate turns up and is told interview is cancelled. Then informed the ‘cancellation’ was a test which she failed.


If we don’t eat the rich, The rich and the old WILL eat US

We need to unite in groups more than ever in the upcoming future, Real estate is the next thing to get stripped away after Wall Street took away pensions. That's it, The reason real estate is astronomically going up in value is because it's not for us anymore, It's for corporations, And the wealthy who just want extra money for European trips, They took away pensions for everyone, So everyone who's left with no money are leveraging their property against the next generation, effectively eating the next Young generation keeping them in debt, It's more like a caste system developing, kind of like what you see in India. We are in the beginning of it, I'm sure. You usually see these type of drastic changes When there's a lot of activism, A lot of doomers, And people saying the world is going to end kind of like in the…


USA: The Minimum Wage Should Be $24 per Hour Not $7.25


My husband’s job convinced their truck drivers to vote out the Union.

The company's leadership team said they will do everything to make sure their employees are treated right. Almost every single one of them came into this company, after retiring from UPS with all wonderful benefits, that the Union got for them after 25 yrs of service. None would be where they are now, if it weren't for the Union. As a former Union member & leader, this breaks my heart.


PSA: Mike Rowe(Dirty Jobs) is running antiunion and antiworker ads

People on here might be more familiar with this than me, but I wanted to try and get this out there so more people can be aware of it if they weren't. Links to everything at bottom. To understand why Mike is garbage person and what he is talking about I'm going to give a little background on who and what. Mike Rowe the “Dirty Jobs” guy that a lot of us grew up with is a dirty person. He is a conservative, which isn't inherently bad, even when it mostly is. He is staunchly antiunion and lobbies for antiunion practices, so also inherently antiworker. He also believes that when you work for a company the company should come first, you and your feelings along with your needs and wants shouldn't get any consideration. The worst part is he is anti safety, he specifically thinks your safety is only your…


Fuck this guy and anyone who believes this This motherfucker does talk radio and has the balls to complain others don't want to work. I do more in a day then Mall Santa does in a year.


Non-competes are now illegal in the US

FTC announced today: – New non-competes can't be made – Existing non-competes (excluding Sr. Executives) are invalid and unenforceable – Employers must notify you that this rule is in effect. – 120-day effective date.