
For Some Reason I Feel This Belongs Here

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Richest Americans Now Pay Lower Taxes Compared To Working Class

Stunning graph: the plummeting tax rates of the richest Americans. For the first time in history, billionaires have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans.— Rutger Bregman (@rcbregman) May 3, 2024


This company needs to be shown for how they really treat their employees

A string of emails between myself and my manager. I’m being contacted right now by my manager about a threatening safety event that happened to me back in February and I’m about to receive disciplinary action from my employer over it because I didn’t feel comfortable giving the passenger my name. I’m so sick and tired of the company I work for manipulating employees and the media by saying “we’re a family.” Meanwhile they snake around, text us, asking us to call them so they don’t have to pay us for formal meetings. I established they can only contact me through my company email yet they still try to text me. I wish the media would get ahold of this treatment and more employees would come forward. It’s so frustrating!


Employee-Owned Companies

I was wondering, what are some of the bigger/more interesting employee-owned companies out there? Like, King Arthur Flour is one. Ocean Spray is a farmers' cooperative. Any other examples?


Was wondering what this community thinks of this article I was a pretty big supporter of the 4 days a week movement, though this article got me questioning it. Didn't realise similiar stuff was tried before.


Best way to deal with infuriating schedule changes?

The schedule goes up every Friday, with the most recent schedule being two weeks ahead. They have a policy where they can change your schedule as long as they give you at least 48 hours notice. Happens all the time How is anyone supposed to make plans when they try and do the right thing by scheduling their stuff around their work schedule, only for the schedule to change with such short notice? How do they not see this? Appointments, kids, it’s an endless list of what’s going on when not at work What would you say if they told you “the schedule changed, check it please”


From miserable to hopeful: a rant of joy.

I know we spend a lot of time comforting each other in our misfortune, but I’d like to share something a tad positive. After 3.5 years at my old job—2 of which have been awful—I have found a new job. The past couple years I’ve never felt more hopeless, threatened, and burnt out from a job. It felt like utter betrayal due to the fact I left a job in my field of study to work there as an investment in a career path. The first year and a half were so promising, rewarding, and felt like the right direction. Then corruption and greed plagued the main office and my life has been hell ever since. I’ve been looking for a new job for around a year and have been aggressively looking these past few months. Heartbreak after heartbreak. Well. I found a new job with a company that has…


Is my workplace toxic or is this the norm?

It's constantly ingrained in us that promotions are limited every year and that our same career-level peers are our competition. We're not even competing for manager positions, just small title bumps. Also our performance ratings 1-5 (exceeds to not meets) are a forced distribution dependent on the department budget every year, i.e. if the department budget is bad, more people will get bad ratings regardless of the work they did that year so the company doesn't have to pay as much bonus. So basically my performance rating is dependent on my work and also the economy. Is every company like this?


Does anyone still suffer from horrible boss ptsd?

I haven’t worked for this company for over 3 years, and am in a different industry now, but I still get horrible flash backs about how they treated me after over working me. I remember while working there I didn’t sleep much, hair was falling out, had 3 cellphones constantly going off for work, broke out in hives, gained a ton of weight, had numerous health conditions, was constantly stressed and snappy. Stress is a hell of a thing. I was dumb and devoted all my time to that job, context I was second in command from the CEO. I still recall she handed me a lawsuit that she had received 2 weeks ago- handed it to me 24hrs before she left on vacation and told me to figure it out. I saved the company from a $750k lawsuit and got a gift card for $40. When things got shakey…


I have a meeting with my boss after she fired someone for complaining about, and declining, going to a scientology “training”. What do I even say?

UPDATE: I am going to quit, I agree they are terrible people. I have a job interview elsewhere already. I also have a meeting with a lawyer. And an appointment with my therapist. I probably shouldn't engage much further, just in case it gets real sticky legally. Thank you all for setting me straight Recently, the small veterinary practice (sole proprietorship, 30 employees, California) i work for had us all do a “business training” that was just scientology. I, and 2 other people, expressed our displeasure and wrote emails, so it's in writing, that we are declining further training like this. One of the two was quite vocal about it and was telling everyone what it was and that we can't be forced to do it. No one else declined, but it caused quite a stir. The executive team (dr. Owner, dr. Owner's Daughter, the technical manager and the practice…