
Interviewed for a job with housing in southern colorado, guy told me I had the job. Now says this.

What the fuck man. I prolly woulda not told my landlord and all my family had I known that suddenly he wouldn’t know what’s happening.


I was told I was being laid off but they changed their mind

So a few weeks ago the company I work for notified all 30 of our team that we are all being laid off. About 2.5 weeks later I am told by HR that they have changed their mind and that they want to keep me on and that I will be the only one in my team being kept on. I don’t know how to feel about this, i’m devastated for the rest of the team and pissed off at the company messing me around as I’ve already wasted time and had interviews for other companies now. At the same time it’s obviously a massive weight off my shoulders too so I consider myself very lucky as well. If this was you what would you do? It’s hard to feel motivated to work for this company at the click of their fingers I could be gone. Am I right to…


About to walk out of my job.

Hi everyone, apologies for how long this is. I’m currently working as an assistant manager at a retail craft store and am at my wit’s end. A month ago our district manager came in and said we had to down size our number of employees due to being over payroll every week since New Years. He made the downsize by cutting the number of both full and part timers in half. Now, I was hired about a year ago and came in with previous experience with the company, specifically the framing department. One of the full timers and one of the part timers that were let go were the two framers we had. So, the district manager put me in framing which I knew was going to be his default and so I tried to tell my store manager not to let that happen because as a member of management…


Management hasn’t approved my time off yet- unsure what to do

Hey all, so I put in a request about 2 weeks ago to take 2 weeks off for my vacation. I usually take a vacation every summer and once I figure out dates I put in the request immediately. Essentially I gave them 4 months notice. I noticed they haven’t approved it yet but they have approved other employees who requested time off after August. I will say these employees only requested a week off and not 2 weeks off like I did. This vacation is through a travel company so I need to have confirmed everything by mid-June. Should I just give them another month and then ask what’s going on? I know we recently lost employees in my position, but I’ve never been denied a vacation especially when I ask several months in advance. Edit to add- my second job already approved my time off just waiting on…


It’s impossible to have Job Security as a young person

For context, I am a M (21) and live in Italy, a country that's currently in decline due to the insane numbers of old people living in it, giving boomers a disproportionate amount of voting power. It is impossible to find a decent job as a young person. Every job is either full-time employment for pay that's the equivalent of legal slavery that they can get away with because they write it off as an apprenticeship, companies making so-called “marketing projects” for young people that only guarantee one or two months of employment and give no prospects of a long-term job, or obvious life improvement pyramid schemes that offer no monthly salary but pay through “sales percentages,” and their selling strategy is to literally annoy everyone in your life by constantly pestering them about your dumbass company until they stop being around you or buy a mattress. I've even done…


14% isn’t enough

Between my company and myself I contribute 14% of my income to retirement. Not sure if it's just the economy but I'm not seeing the growth I'm hoping for. I turn 40 in less than 3 months and according to the insights, if I work until I'm 67, I'll still only be at 54% of my current salary. My dad received a pension, 401k, and stock options from his oil and gas job. People that reported to people who reported to my dad lived more extravagantly, I always thought we were “poor” and felt bad for wasting paper. He was able to retire at 55. My uncle who worked for the same company at the refinery in a “blue-collar” (just not sure what exactly he did, but it wasn't in the office), still retired a millionaire and then worked contract making 3x as much after he retired. My paternal grandfather…


How to survive coworker’s trauma as an empathetic person?

In my new role I am meant to take over some of a coworker's duties. They are way behind on these tasks. I was told to treat them compassionately because they are going through a personal crisis. But they also seem to be more or less incoherent about work stuff, and also to be sacrificing their own needs e.g. sleep, for work. How can I best function minimally while also not losing my mind? I am pretty assertive and confident at work and in general, however with that I often empathize strongly.


job wants me working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 145 dollars a week

im an 18 year old about-to-be college student, my mother wants me to work for the time being and since i just turned 18 and im now eligible to get a job in my country, of course i have to work and provide. i try many places, all of whom rejected me because i dont have a “pass” to work from the company that’s the provider of my residency, yes, for some reason i need a “pass” that if i dont have i will be fined around 2500 dollars, and so will be the company. so i finally manage to get it after weeks of begging that shitty company, and now my mother starts pushing me to work in this restaurant near my house as a delivery guy in their car, i say okay and go there, im waiting outside manager comes out, asks me two questions “you have residency?”…


Can HR let just anyone fire you over the phone?

My corporate company had me “leave for the day” last Friday while they investigated a matter. Said they would call with what they find. Didn’t hear anything for 7 days, then get a call from someone who isn’t even my supervisor saying I was terminated for violating company policy of a video that I never put on social media anywhere. What?


I Call Bullshit.

Here's what it takes to be considered middle class in Minnesota in 2024