
You have a second job and need a set schedule? Bye bye

So I was working for this company for almost a year, from the time I was hired to my firing I was never told even an average for what time I would expect to get off. I was fine with that at first because I needed the hours. Well fall time hits and the hours are getting shorter and I averaged about 1900 a paycheck and it started averaging 1300 a paycheck. So I take on a second job to make up the difference in income. Now a newer manager (cycled through a few by the time my last one came around) comes and things start finally looking good. Maintenance finally starts working on our equipment we told them about months ago. Things with other departments start getting organized and problems worked out. Now comes the part where hours are starting to come back but not frequent enough to warrant…


I think this says a alot when your employer has an employment solicitors webpage blocked so employees can’t view it at work.


Am I allowed to head home if my asthma is really bothering me?


Suggestion can there be a section here for those bored at work?

Another day bored out of my skull, all my tasks are over, don’t finish until 5, just getting paid but not doing a god damn thing. Don’t get me wrong I have things to do/keep my occupied (audiobooks, podcasts, tv shows, movies, music) everything non work related, but would always love more suggestions, potentially to discover new bands, documentaries I might not have already seen, anything like that, but just for those of us, lucky to have a job in this current horrible world, but have justifiably nothing to do, for hours and hours every single day.


Possibly getting fired because I didn’t reciprocate my bosses flirting

I’m a 25m, I currently work for State Farm as an agent’s team member. I work mostly in service, answering phones and completing tasks not selling insurance. It started off with me being hired, I was new and was doing training videos. I was training for damn near 3 weeks and everyone is telling me to forget about what I’m learning, so I do. Then I get maybe 3 days of hands on learning and it’s the most barebones shit ever. My manager (22f) who is under the agent (the big boss) was the one that trained me and also would flirt with me every so often. I’d ask for something she’d say “you’re lucky you’re cute” I wouldn’t reciprocate. She would ask to take a ride with me in my car, I made an excuse. She then starts to suck her teeth, sigh in frustration, and makes off handed…


How to lose a good employee

I work an office job, as a programmer for a fairly large company in my little Canadian city. Been here almost 5 years. It’s be decent for the most part. Ok yearly raises (could be a lot better) , one decent in year raise, permanent work from home, great benefits, etc. But all of that has changed in the last several months. Where it all really began was about a year ago, we were just starting a massive project to rewrite our entire application in a brand new tech stack. My lead told me that she wanted me to be the go-to guy on the team, as I had just assisted on another project, rewriting an application in the same tech stack. She also told me that she wanted me to have some ownership over some section of the application, didn’t care what it was, just something I could say…


Am I being subtly bullied?

I’ve been an intern in this big company for almost five months now and it’s just started clicking that I might be subtly bullied? I’m 24 and this is my first time on a corporate job, I was a teacher for two years before that. I’m currently working in internal corporate communications but as you can imagine, I help out with any tasks given. Which I like a lot because it does give me experience and in this messed up situation with entry level jobs requiring minimal of X years of experience, it’s a good opportunity. At first I was so happy that I got the job. And it pays too? Sign me up. Yes, it’s minimal salary in my country, but it’s better than nothing at all. I’m sorry, I’m rambling too much without getting to the point. But I figured I needed to have some brief introduction to…


How do you deal with regret from sacrificing personal life for work?

I was pressured by a recruiter into resigning from my previous job as quickly as possible when I received a new job offer. I was on vacation, and I wanted to resign when I was back but he shamed me by asking “do you really want to work? What would the boss think?” And I fell for it. It totally ruined my dream vacation as i was on calls with my workplace everyday managing the fallout. It created a bunch of personal issues with my family, and I deeply regret it to this day.


Anyone notice how breathless the media pundits have treated Buttigieg for the flight refund policy but didn’t care at all when he stumped for a Healthcare system that lets 70,000 Americans die every year due to high prices?

First off the average person probably just re book with the same airline for a canceled flight. And if they don't they probably pay more for another flight which this won't cover. And it won't actually do anything to get airlines to avoid further mass cancelations. It's not a fine on Southwest if they cancel 10,000 flights. Its just not that big of a deal to me. But when Sanders was suggesting hey what if Healthcare was a God given right and should be affordable to everyone? Well they didn't care because they never have to worry about money except when it comes I guess to all their canceled flights! I've never seen a media pundit say hey maybe the moderate is the one who thinks America shouldn't have the highest Healthcare inflation in the world. It's never moderate to save American lives and lower inflation. It's only moderate I…


How’s everyone in here feeling about this?