
Is it normal to feel suic!dal over your job?

My job makes me want to unalive. It’s incredibly stressful and the workload is unrealistic. A coworker of mine recently quit because they were consistently working 60 hours while being paid for 40. If say we are overwhelmed, the manager says we have poor time management. Is it normal to want to unalive because my job has unrealistic expectations?


Shareholders coming for your pensions

So if your company pension is in surplus, shareholders think they have a right to the money the employees have saved into it Seriously fuck this shit!!


Not sure if they actually want people to work (rant…sort of)

IMHO…I believe most blue collared peoples want to just save a little for retirement, get by decently, and enjoy small things while we work. Raise kids if ya got em…but it's coming more and more apparent that the companies we work for a being more and more blatant in saying FUCK YOU…we OWN you bitches. Modern day slavery. Barely giving wages enough to eat and have a roof over our heads. Have to work overtime just to do anything extra. God forbid anything break on you!! They're even being so bold to brag about killing overtime as the warehouse fills up with finished goods because of less orders being picked up. Record profits…just barely beating last quarter's sales . This won't stop! Even unionized facility at that. Sorry for ranting…just super fucking frustrated!!!!


Just because someone was good at one job doesn’t mean they will be good at management…..

Apparently my boss was great at his job so they promoted him to manager. That's a problem! Why in the world would one skill mean your great at another?!?! MJ was great at basketball, but sucked at baseball. Case in point! Here's what I'm dealing with…. Manager: do you start or end your day out of the office working with clients? Me: yes. It saves the company mileage and time when I plan to visit clients to and from work. It also saves my car damage, and saves me drive time. Manager: you can't do that. It's unfair to other staff. It allows you to start early, that's not OK. Fast forward to today….. Manager: did you start your day at the office???? I didn't see you. Me: yes, I drove my ass 50 minutes the office, then immediately left to meet a client who lives 5 minutes from my…


Flip the script ….


Boss agreed to give me a raise. After one month and weekly reminders, he still hasn’t

Finally my turn to rant here! I'm usually a semi-yes man, working for the company's interest in mind rather than limit myself to my responsibilities. For my latest boss, it's the second stint I've done for him, and I've gone waaayyy above and beyond for him, especially considering some of the clowns he employed before me. It's been one and a half years. Worked public holidays, and worked Sundays. Varied my shifts between 6-13 hours according to his needs. Varied my starting times. Taken up on-call demands. Provide some remote support outside of work hours. Doubled my responsibilities vs my contract and vs others in my role. Taken up light management duties. Trained half a dozen people on technical roles. Restructured and written up new procedures. Have better work ethic than most in the company. He's got my trust and honesty, which is certainly lacking in his company. Have made…


“You should be working 12 hour days”

My best friends mom got a new job at a tech company about 3ish months ago. She does something with coding (not exactly sure.) But yesterday she received an email from the CEO stating that all the employees are not working enough and “they should be working from 8 AM to 9 PM Monday – Friday.) I thought that was insane to send to your employees. How are they suppose to do anything other than work? What about kids and idk EATING AND COMMUTING? Absolutely bonkers. Is this normal? Is this even legal? EDIT: my best friend’s mom and about a dozen other people WERE FIRED TODAY WITH NO WARNING. Gotta love our corporate overlords!!!


I have 20 year’s experience, and keep getting turned down for …

I have 20 year's experience, and keep getting turned down for young women just out of college with zero experience. It's happened 10 times in the last year after extensive interviews, checking of references, etc. I really, really, never wanted to think this was a thing. But how can I not at this point?


No rehire if employee took unemployment after being laid off

Title pretty much sums it up. I work for a non-profit community health center. About a month ago, all part timers on our team were laid off and told they could return in September as temps (we’ve historically used temps for seasonal demand and projects). Now they are being told if they file for unemployment they can not be rehired. I know the employers can not rehire for any reason, but this seems somewhat illegal to me. Some already filed because they needed to. Many had been part timers for 4 years straight, this was a big part of their income. Non profits are on some bullshit just like big for profit companies


Most jobs now…