
My colleague has been destroying my reputation with my boss to further their own career

TLDR; my boss thinks my colleague is a perfect little angel and let them undermine me for the last 18 months. I’ve got no one to share this with and I’ve got to get it out before it devours me whole, so strap in. I’m in a tiny company doing admin work in a legal office with a small 8-12 member team, no hr, no management, just the daily ‘get this done and if you have problems just solve them yourself’. There’s no performance reviews, there’s no procedures in place, all word of mouth. Throughout the last 18 months my director (let’s call them Trevor) has been working remote and has ceased pretty much all direct contact with me, and now only communicates indirectly through my colleague (let’s call them Steve). They have been very clear that this is just for the sake of micromanagement and that no one has…


So so funny.

Work in a place where any “manager” is basically someone who has only gotten the job necause they have been here so long. Was told today how a higher up came in and he wanted everyone to be wearing company logoed clothing. I sais so if we have to wear it you need to supply it. “Ummmmn ill get back to you guys” Then someone metioned raises and still nothing on that and they mentioned how they were making less than other people and wondered why. Answer back was its an unwritten rule that we don't discuss pay with each other. And before i could jump in somebody else yells out 'of course its unwritten because it is illegal”. Loved that so much


Does Universal Childcare exist?

Does Universal Child care exist? I imagine this would solve so many issues.


Isn’t it so true?


How much should I charge if neighbors wants me to tutor their kids for an hour?

Yesterday, I was about to leave for work, and my neighbor noticed I had a backpack. He asked if I was going to school, and I told him that I was actually going to work. I told him I work at the local church as a tutor and teacher assistant. He then asked if I would be able to teach both his kids-first grade and third grade-for an hour over the weekend. I was in hurry and said I'll look into and think about it, since I couldn't stay any longer to talk lol. I'm just wondering how much should I price, because and I don't even know how I am gonna approach him about the pay and pricing and with the action money, especially since i am a college student I don’t know how much I can charge or what’s the reasonable price?


Minor with chronic pain after working 8-ish hours

Hi. As the title says, I am a minor and I experienced extreme pain all over my body (mostly legs and back) which make me unable to walk properly. I was a trainee because my school made us choose work somewhere for a week to learn how jobs work, I had just 4 days of work during the last week of march. I was just a stacker and fronter so nothing too tough (aside from some things here and there) and by the end of the week I was in so much pain I could barely move. I just want to know, what could be causing this? I was walking 4-6k steps which is normal and okay for me usually. I apologize if this is the wrong subreddit to ask this, I didn't know where else to post this.


Humans should go back to nature

Capitalism is killing humanity. Capitalism kills the planet. I don't want to live in a world where I need to work in order to just barely live. I interview, 2 days for a job. I hear nothing from them, after both interviewers were practically salivating over my work experience and acting all like “I see no reason why you shouldn't be hired” … And I'm all over Indeed and others, applying to anything. I see ads saying you don't even have to have a GED to get this job. Jobs where even if you only have half a brain, so long as you can walk and talk, you're hired. But me? I'm over-qualified… they're looking for “walk and talk”ability when I have “walk, talk and chew gum” on my resume. That makes me over-qualified. I have full control of my motor functions. That makes me over-qualified. I don't need to…


my boss continuously pushes me to my limits

for context, i am 9 months and one week pregnant (37 weeks). anyone whose been pregnant knows how draining, uncomfortable and miserable this is. she still schedules me 9 hour shifts and when i take a break to go sit down, she asks me why. i’ve also told her i can’t be the only manager on shift in case something were to happen and i needed to leave, i told her this when i was 29 weeks and she’s scheduled me 3x now where i am the only manager. i totaled my car the other day by hitting a deer and she told me she really needed me that day because 1) i was gonna be the only manager for 4 hours and 2) she was expecting company later that evening. i laughed and hung up on her. today i found out her and her husband can’t conceive which now…