
Happy Nurse Week!


Judge upholds findings that Maryland subcontractor denied 55 workers on federally funded project their full pay, fringe benefits, owes $186K


Wall Street banker’s death at 35 ignites firestorm over alleged grueling 100-hour work weeks


Had a meeting with my boss to ask for a raise or an opportunity to move up in the company

After three years of working at this shit company and being at the bottom.. I watched everyone i worked with in the beginning either move up in the company or quit. I’m making one dollar more than those who get hired right now… theres no yearly pay increase, and no appreciation for my team. This company is so cheap, they gave us a plastic potato and stickers as a Christmas gift…. I should have known what the answer was gonna be.. I went in with confidence and said I need a raise or I need to be moved to another department. Get this.. he told me to work harder at my current job.. and confirmed I will NOT be getting a raise. He said “this whole idea of quiet quitting is terrible.. no one is going to pay you more if you don’t work for it. You have to work…


Why Prices Might Never Go Back Down


Boss Works for Off the Clock

I just recently started working at a rehab facility. The turnover/burnout rate is very high. Just about everyone is criminally underpaid (mini wage), including my inexplicably highly motivated supervisor. She is very good at her job. She often comes in to work talking about how she did prep work at home, and she regularly comes in on her day off to “take care of a few things.” In short, she works off the clock. This troubles me, but I can't quite articulate why. Does this devalue her work, and by extension, mine? Is she propping up a company that needs to pay people more? Is she making the rest of us look bad? Any insight would be appreciated. I'm already preparing to move on, but this question is occupying my mind. Thank you.


How I was fired from my first job!

Preface: this is an old story, but I still get a chuckle every time I remember it. Got my first job at a local convenience store back around 2006 or 2007. Had been working there for a little over a year, so I knew my first raise was around the corner (an extra $.25 to add to my $5.25 an hour). Was in high school at the time, so it was a big deal for me then. Right around my year mark, another employee was hired with the same first name as me. Very common first name, so nothing unusual there. I noticed after my one year that this new guy had received a raise (he had been bragging about it to other employees). Curious as I thought that only happened after one year, I went to management to inquire about my raise and when I should see it as…


“63% of workers support a 4-day work week.” The real % is definitely much higher…


Worked at Cracker Barrel for 6 months, working 40 hour weeks and out of nowhere just stopped being scheduled, is constructive dismissal possible? I live in Texas, thanks.

So one week goes by two weeks go by, still haven’t found new work and I don’t believe I can file for unemployment because they never fired me. I am hurt financially and mentally and emotionally because I truly gave them a ton of my time and energy and was basically the go to guy when someone needed to be covered. They just really rubbed me the wrong way when they couldn’t even give me a reason of even respond to me. Please give me any legal advice or anything else that would be beneficial to me, this all has put a lot of strain on me and my relationships with my friends and family.


Why are people so opposed to raising the minimum wage.

I know they always say everything else will inflate in price. With that logic why don’t we lower the minimum wage to 5 cents per hour in hopes everything lowers in price. Also why does it seem like people don’t want people with “low skilled” jobs to make a basic living? It’s like they think they are unworthy to be able to eat and have a shelter.