
I’m a DOD Contractor being asked to falsify information for taxes with my current host nation. Wtf and any advice.

Have a 7 month old and work overseas. Son is local nstional.. Job pays well but they got caught up in a tax issue . I always knew things sounded fishy, but I figured I was just uh….ignorant. So now the sky is falling and they are asking me to fill a form that goes against my code. No not the code of hammurabbi , the code of just not being in a foreign prison over tax fraud. I just lost two shifts of work for not filing out the forms as desired, and are threatening to write anyone up in a permanent file for being non yeah what the fuck.


Is my manager being a good one or is she just being rude?

so for context, i work in a hotel and today i was working with two other people. my coworkers asked me to get linen and so i went to get it and then as i was coming out of the store room my manager saw me and asked what was in it I said linen…. she saw me carrying the heavy bag that had linen in it and said that I needed to go faster and that everyone is complaining about me???? She didn’t only say this to me that I needed to go faster but she also said to a linen porter once that he was moving the single bed too slowly but he was by himself. I don’t know if I’m being dramatic and I can’t take criticism but I thought that seemed really unfair and it isn’t the first time this week that she’s made me upset.…


Why do we still say “9-5”?? All my jobs have been 8-5

I notice we still say shit like “I don't want to work 9-5” or “The dream is to stop working 9-5”. I have been out of college for 6 years now having worked at 3 different places. All my jobs have been 8am to 5 pm. All my friends work similar hours. The best I've seen among my friends is 8-4.30 / 8.30-5. At some point, the capitalist pigs have sneakily changed our “8 hour work week” to 9 hours and almost no one says anything. We've all passively accepted the added work hours from our overlords. And if you say “tHaT oNE HouR iS FoR YOur LunCH!!”, I'm going to track you down and kick you in your balls. First of all, pay me for the freaking lunch hour because I am still in your shitty office on your shitty time. Lunch should be included in the work hours,…


My boss has been bullying me for months and now I’m permanently sick.

So long story short, my boss has been bullying me for months. As I'm autistic I didn't really understand he was at first and as I was a remote worker, it was a very distant thing. It was only when I went to visit the office in person for a month that numerous colleagues said I was being bullied and that he was clearly trying to get rid of me. I was 8 months in. I then sadly started losing my hair and have been told I have stress induced female patterned hairloss and stress induced insomnia, the former of which is incurable but “treatable.” Now yes I am suing for personal injury, but yes it has made me very much anti work. How do you get back into work after such an ordeal?


US min wage hasn’t changed since 2009. Have a look at Australia.


I hate when meetings finish early

Does anyone else hate when meetings finish early and the speaker loudly proclaims that they are “giving everyone 20 minutes back” as if being banished back to your desk to do 20 minutes of extra work is some kind of reward? Screw that. Don’t give me the time back. Bleed every possible second of my time to drain the clock closer to 5pm so I can go home and do something more interesting.


My boss intimidated me into having my husbands company do work on her home

I feel so uncomfortable at work as it is, but last week my boss asked me to contact my husband at his place of employment to get service on her house first before other customers the next day. My husband works for a pest control company and my boss knows this. She is/was having issues with ants in her home. She told me at the end of the day last week to call him and move her up to the first appointment the next day. I thought she was kidding. She became nasty and said she needs me to do this because she can’t be too late for work the next day. So I did. My husband was not cool with this and felt he was put in a crappy position to move the whole schedule around. I told him she is very forceful with me and I also felt…


Some Corporate BS for your entertainment. This one is good!!!

When corporate companies talk about how much they respect their employees and are “family” Here is a good example of the lies they peddle. I was browsing around at and went into the job page. Here is a snippet from the first paragraph……. .”Customer service and the guest experience is at the heart of every decision we make. In fact, we don’t call those who visit our park ‘customers’ or ‘visitors.’ We call them ‘guests,’ because we want to treat them with the same level of respect and care as if they were visiting us in our own homes” Then I go to look at open job positions and found this gem: Customer Service Representative – Dollywood Parks & Resorts – Full Time Year Round Which is it Dollywood? Guests or Customers? Its all Smoke and Mirrors


I went to an interview and the manager made a weird joke…

I’ve been applying tirelessly to a bunch of random jobs so I can support myself a bit more as I finish university. I got called in for an interview at an auto/home department store, but the manager made a weird joke and I want others opinion on it. He asked me what pay I was expecting, and I told him minimum wage as that’s the going rate for these type of jobs (in hindsight I should have said something else). The manager says, “great! That’s 14$.” I know that’s incorrect, so I say “uh no actually it’s 16.55.” He says something like, “oh I’m just teasing you! I wanted to see what you’d say. We recently hired another girl and I told her the same thing, but she didn’t realize I was joking. So she things we’re paying her above minimum wage.” And he started laughing. Part of me felt…


Laid Off 5 days into Parental Leave

I had my 2nd child born 5/31/24. The baby was two weeks early, and it was an extremely fast labor. I immediately went on parental leave (a month) and assumed all things were good. Some background regarding the company. Company lost a multi-billion dollar contract back in April or so. They made an announcement that lay offs are inevitable in our specific sector due to the loss of the contract. Well, 5 days into my parental leave, I get the most insincere phone call from my manager saying my position has been dissolved and my access to the software I work on has been removed. Thankfully, I have a WARN Notice, and that is 60 days, so I am reaching out to my network and applying to jobs like crazy. Single income family as well. My parental leave for a month has been made useless. The WARN Notice allows me…