
‘Quit Or Accept Minimum Wage’: Chinese Company’s Ultimatum To 1000 Autoworkers As EV Sales Drop


Termination for wages discussion

Another one for the pile of employers and the ridiculous contracts they try to make us sign. Per the Nation Labor Relations board, it is unlawful for an employer to stop you from discussing wages with coworkers. Should I sign this and start loudly talking about how much I make with my coworkers to bait management? Should I just refuse to sign this? What do you all think?


If anybody wants a little rage porn. Link inside


Starting wage: $14.65


Truly crazy



“Too expensive to keep” so got let go

My dad just got let go from his job. He worked at the same company for over 20 years and was two years from retirement. He never had a complaint in his file and had received numerous promotions, the last one being only a few weeks ago! They are letting go hundreds of people and told my dad specifically that he is being let go not because of performance (his reviews were always exceptional) but because he is too expensive to keep with all his experience and promotions. He was the top of his career. The best at what he did. He was one of only two people in his department that could even use a certain software. He put in hours and hours and dedicated his life to this company and this job and he loved it. Now they are just throwing him away because of money. The company…


You train people to be robots and slaves and then you complaint why people needs instructions for everything

I work with many organizations as business consultant. And being aware about the antiwork movement i talk a lot about how the bosses are basicallly being asses I tell them, that while they find gratification and profit in trying to exploit and control people, it is harmful in the longer run. If you Don't give some authority, freedom, flexibility to your employees. Then do not expect creativity, passion, and interest in work. If you don't give them good environment and work life balance, don't pay them fair wage. Don't be surprised if they leave your company when they get seemingly better offer somewhere else.Then you end up wasting your hours and weeks in finding “right employees”. Well, may be the problem is not employees. Problem is how you TREAT them. With your harmful ways, you can make a great team member worse. before saying “people dont want to work” Look…


Out of projects but boss won’t directly lay me off. Can I file for unemployment?

Boss is blue, I am green, company that my boss is contracted with is purple. My boss has run out of projects for me to edit for the time being (I live in US, I am not a freelance editor, I receive W2s, so he's been paying for me to take Udemy courses on web development hoping I could make a website for him. I emailed him about taking an additional course once I was done, and this was his response. He can't afford to pay me anymore, and doesn't have work for me, but won't lay me off directly? I work 25 hours a week currently, remote. I've been looking and applying for other jobs for the past 3 weeks so I've been planning to leave I just expected to have income until I did. Can I still file for unemployment? Or would my application just be rejected because…


Found this on insta


A 32-Hour Workweek Is Ours for the Taking