
Gen Z really are the hardest to work with—even managers of their own generation say they’re difficult. Instead bosses plan to hire more of their millennial counterparts


inspirational uncle


How does one actually move up in a company

So I’ve been working at a company forever, and have had quite a few interviews only to get the same thing about not having enough experience etc. and then I see who they hire and they are always less experienced, have less education and have not completed as many projects. I’m willing to admit I’m probably doing something wrong, but I generally get lots of praise in my work and everything. I felt like this sub might have better guidance than some of the others due to being realistic. Any advice is appreciated.


This is the reason people aren’t willing to work


If you’ve been burned/burned-out from your job, What change do you want to see?

In my last job, I was doing the work of a senior engineer (that was in the role for 12 years), but paid as a junior employee. I EXPLICITELY recall being in constant stress from poor supervisors. little to no guidance, little to no problem resolutionary action or explanation in situations, getting thrown under the bus by higher ups, ZERO COMMUNICATION SKILLS. it felt like they just allowed people to walk in off the street. . . I'm trying to keep this post short. if you know what I mean when I say “i've worked under shitty leadership/management”, then you know I have my LOOOOONG list of “i would've stayed if they fixed…” Have you run into a similar situation? what things do you or would you have liked to see change? what list of things, if fixed, would've kept you around?


I forreal just daydreamed about cutting off my toe while mowing the grass so i wouldn’t have to gontonwork for a while

im not going to do it. but this is exactly how i felt at my last job. just wishing a catastrophe would happen so i could quit. i fucking hate it here.


How to handle work stress?

Work is super stressful just now its often good for a couple days or a week then the next its so stressful, how do you manage this? I find im emotionally exhausted and at home im so anxious and struggle to sleep at night for worry about the day ahead or trying to pre plan my day best i can. I try to switch off and spend as much time with my family as i can its hard though, is everyone the same?


Senior leaders and their privilege is the bane of my existence

I hate the fact that I have to be extra sensitive in how I respond to Leadership at my company. Why do I need to put in the extra effort to make their experience as best as possible? I treat everyone as they should. They already get enough privileges in the roles they are in. I am here to do my job as best as possible–not be their assistant and read their minds.


I’m not sure I even want a career anymore

First of all, I don’t really know if this is a rant, or me seeking advice or just me seeking affirmation. I graduated with a degree in finance years ago only to find getting a job with few connections to be nearly impossible. It wasn’t the worst thing in the world though, i was a restaurant server in a high income area making pretty good money and it paid the bills. However, I still wanted more, some sort of fulfillment. And, yeah, I wanted to live well and make a fucking boatload by doing something interesting. I bought into the bootstraps bullshit, the “hard work will pay off” bullshit. I sat in coffee shops every day off and became productive for hours. Some days I would read new shit, others I would try to take Udemy classes to learn new skills, many days I would apply for jobs and cold…


The absolute nerve that it took to write this and post it lol