
Boss is dangling the carrot of promotion for extra assignments, but no pay-off, yet.

Just venting, possible advice needed. I'm a Senior Engineer with a large, multinational chemical company. The previous Principal Engineer left the company 2 years ago. We also lost 2 other Senior Engineers within that month to transitions, so I was doing the work of 4 people. It took 10 months before 2 replacement engineers were hired and complete training. I was the only person on call, weekend and nights during that time, including Hurricane coverage during 2 storms (near miss, thankfully). Since then, I've started taking on the Principal Engineer's tasks and leading an LSS Black Belt project. None of which is in my job description. When I agreed to the BB project and the Principal Engineer's tasks last October, I told him I expected a promotion to Principal Engineer. 2 weeks ago, during our one-on-one meeting, I reminded him of the tasks I had accepted and the promotion. He…


Company with 30 interns and 6 staff members.

Just did a brief interview today for a potential internship despite considering myself overqualified for an internship position at this stage. I joined because I thought it was an interesting company but the red flags were many and immediately apparent to me: they have 6 people working for the company and 20-30 UNPAID interns working for them at once. upon asking, they have no open positions and do not plan on hiring the interns, with no track to hire after. they plan on “sharing any job in the industry that sounds cool” with their interns. They might know someone to refer them. the person overseeing the interns (1 person) is responsible for overseeing all intern departments from graphic design to social media to marketing to business. Where is the growth potential to learn? they have a number of major names/companies listed on their site but upon asking what they did…


ONS dealing with 20% staff exodus weeks after facing strikes over return to office


The hammer I was given at work today

I'm putting together a metal shelf at work. I need a rubber mallet. We don't have a rubber mallet. I was told to use this instead


Fired yesterday

After I being with the company 2 years, my job has decided to fire me yesterday due to unsatisfactory performance. My manager was not present, in fact only HR and my previous manager was (even though I do not report to her) and they mentioned that I had not made improvements since April (yet they gave me a 1.5% raise last month?). So from April to May, how the fuck am I supposed to make drastic improvements with only speaking with my manager twice? She is not involved in any of my projects and our status meetings moved to another Sr. Program manager where I requested below; see link. During my performance review (April), I was frustrated as I have the highest success rate in my department and my manager said in June we'd work on my development in the company which never happened. Additionally, my coworker mentioned that they…


Unemployment in canada

Honestly one of my biggest beefs in canada is the EI system. It's okay money but the cut offs for repayment is ridiculous. I claimed it once in my life and never again. Come fax time I had repay back 100% of the month of EI I took because of my yearly salary. And if you make over 60k roughly you need to pay back 30%. The one that absolutely made me rage was years ago my father was terminated after 33 years with no severance. He initially was declined but we appealed and they approved it as it wasn't a just firing. After a year of dealing with lawyers they settled. My dad didn't take EI his entire working career. Not once. He was on it for the 9 months as couldn't find a job as a 65 year old. Well, once the government found out he got a…


Question about the quitting policy at my work and how common it might be

Basically I am living in an underdeveloped country and I'm working remotely for this company that operates in the U.S. the office is located in Texas and I am labeled as “independant contractor” under the company if this helps bring context. I want to quit my job, but in the contract (which I signed under a different work environment, responsabilities and expectations, much nicer ones I have to add) there is a clause that states if I quit without a 30 day notice I have to pay the company a month's worth of wages to “compensate for hiring and training costs” (although I would say the training I got was not even worth $200usd), that one is reasonable, however there is a secon clause that states that if I quit before a year of employment has passed I have to pay *another* month's worth of wages and all bonuses I…


Can I use apathy or indifference to make work more doable?

I have approximately ten years to go before retirement from my present job. I am trying to remain in a state of indifference or apathy so that I am not reactive to the changes made that are counterintuitive and counter productive. I work in government. My current position has no upward trajectory and at this point, I am just trying to survive daily. Anything that is useful from Reddit readers and posters is appreciated.


What in fresh hell is this??

Seen during my current job search.


Store owner called our manager of 8 years replaceable

Today I was told by some of my coworkers that the owner of Yampa Sandwiches, Dave Michelle, had a confrontation with one of our recently promoted managers, as well as our original manager. The recently promoted manager had been an AGM for about a month, but never received manager pay for this whole time. Dave stopped into the store, and from what I’ve heard (I was not in), called the new manager entitled for asking him to make up the money she had earned. The manager of 8 years apparently backed her up, and Dave went on to say that he and the rest of the team are ‘easily replaceable.’ Mind you, this is a week after him noting that things did not run smoothly when the original manager was on vacation. Not only did he steal money from one of my former coworkers, but had the gall to call…