

So I had an interview at company X, the interview went great. I told them I had over 20 years of experience for the position they were hiring for. How I attained multiple awards throughout my career and how most people love to work with me and know that I’m a very hard worker. I asked if they can start me at $19 per hour. The interviewer thanked said they could only start me at $12 per hour. My thoughts were “They just lost this candidate, I’m going to troll them since they just insulted me. By starting me at the minimum wage of my state.” I proceeded to do all the onboarding forms except for the tax information. I also did the background check. I emailed it back to them, the manager called me saying that me background is clean and asking if I could start the next day.…


[Request] Short Term Temporary Remedies for Burnout? Especially for desk jobs.

I just need to make it 8 more weeks and then I'm going on leave for a few months. I figure during leave I can recharge and also brainstorm a long term solution, but in the meantime I just need some quick opiates so that I can make it to the finish line. I'm practically a zombie these days. Also I have ADHD if that's relevant. I am medicated but lately the stimmies aren't doing enough. I need more efficient ways to load up on enough dopamine to be productive.


What’s the best response to the classic line “nobody wants to work anymore”?

Boss keeps saying that every morning According to his mental breakdown today no one wants to work anymore and this generation doesn't know the value of hard work therefore the world is doomed and he gives up “Back in my day there was no day off or sick days we were ready to work day & night and our job was our priority” He's been divorced 4 times and disowned 2 of his 5 kids so i always find the “prioritizing our job” statement quite ironic


Need Help On How To Respond

I live in a state that does NOT require a 15 min break on either side of lunch. Here's the verbal warning I got today… “OP, Following up on our conversation today, I wanted to recap what we discussed. Break times are consistently exceeding 20 minutes per day. While we allow everyone to take breaks throughout the day, they must be reasonable. There have been eight instances of breaks exceeding 20 min this month and 52 instances year-to-date, totaling nearly 35 hours this year. This is considered time theft and must be stopped immediately. Any further discrepancies will result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination. If you have any question, feel free to reach out. -Manager” None of those times exceeded 25 minutes and are per day – not me stepping away for 20 minutes. Edit: To be more specific, I'm looking for ideas. A response does not…


This isn’t how we were ment to live

I'm on my 9th straight day in a row at work I can barley stand up we have been so God dam busy thanks to the holiday all for what I don't even bring home 500 a week cause of taxes this isn't how the human body was supposed to live this isn't living and mind you I am not allergic to work I'll work when needed but something has to give man this is borderline inhumane to treat us like this and on top of all of it I am being told constantly by people older I did x amount of days on then one day off and your so young you shouldn't be tired you should be able too do more like no just because I am younger than you dosnt mean I dont get tired I am so tired of people downplaying us younger people's struggles just…


For people who are struggling

What do you consider are the main factors of why you are struggling? Are you in the poverty level? Less than 24K a year How many jobs do you currently have? How do you think this country can improve?


Opinion on being fired for no reason

[Reposted from another subreddit I posted in] Employer kisses my ass for a month straight [literally keeps telling me how amazing I am and how lucky they are to have me on the team] everyday then fires me on a random Wednesday after I was already assigned new projects [deadline September] as a Junior Web Designer. Says “we hope to have you back when you get more experience” What should I understand from this? And how do I stay confident still? I feel like my highschool sweetheart broke up with me lol. Thank you for any advice! [EDIT] Sorry everyone, was asleep! More details: I only worked there for 1 month, they contacted me and after a “work test” they said I am an amazing fit for their company. Did my job, web design/logo/brand identity so pretty much everything they asked me to do. Was replying and delivering very quick…


How are young people making it with such low starting wages?


Anxious about quitting

My boss is a great guy, but I'm working every single day with no days off and if I do have one, I have to work a double the next day, then the morning again the following day after that, I am routinely having issues with the job I'm doing relating to a disease I have and not having enough time in-between shifts to get my health readjusted is really messing me up and I have to quit..I just feel really bad and like I'm letting him down…any words of wisdom from you guys?


Laid Off Just Before Winter – Feeling Lost

Recently, I was laid off from my job as a chef, and it’s been a tough pill to swallow. The timing couldn’t be worse – just as we’re heading into winter, when job opportunities in hospitality are scarce. I’m based in Australia, and the restaurant where I worked decided to keep two new apprentice chefs instead of me. I get it – they’re cheaper, and business is business. But it doesn’t make it any less painful. I’ve spent years honing my skills, putting in long hours, and dealing with the stress that comes with working in a busy kitchen. To be let go so abruptly, and just before the end of my probationary period, feels like a huge blow. It’s like all the effort and dedication counted for nothing in the end. Since then, I’ve been trying to make ends meet by doing Uber Eats deliveries. It’s not what I…