
Boss Can’t Afford to Pay Me

I work for a small business in Florida. It's just myself and my boss who work there. The business has been struggling a lot lately, and most recently my payment was late. My pay has been a little late before, but at the time I'm posting this, it's now six days late and the deposit still hasn't been posted. I asked my boss about it, and he was apologetic, saying that we don't have the cash flow right now but I'll have this pay check and the next one on time. I have most of this in writing. It's very easy for me to provide evidence of my employment should it come to that. I've also sent out a couple job applications to other businesses, though I doubt I'll be hearing back from those. My boss is a generally great guy, and he's been willing to bend the rules in…


Working 40-50+ hrs a week indefinitely is so exhausting it has driven me to become anti-social. My friendships and family relationships have been decay because of this and I hate it.

Today, my anti-work mentality is around how much of our daily lives we are expected to work. Even the average of 5 days a week is far, far too much in my opinion.. There is really stupid term I hear “work vs. life balance” but no one can explain to me how you can balance 5 days vs 2 days on a scale and make it balanced. You cant balance 8 – 10 hours (possible commute) into 3 – 4 hours of personal time if you even have that much. I am exhausted almost all the time. And it has been commented on often so I wont harp on it too much, that even in our 'free time' is often spent just doing chores, errands, cleaning, etc and other responsibilities that are required or not able to do the rest of the time because you are working so much. When…


Not allowed to leave the unit once we have clocked in.

I know labor laws can vary state by state, but doesn't this sort of count as holding someone hostage? They're not physically barring us from leaving but threatening termination if we step off the unit. There's one restroom for staff on the unit, there's no food available unless you bring a lunch, and these people are working 12 hour shifts. The cherry on top is that management is constantly going off the unit and coming back with breakfast and lunch from the cafeteria to eat. They've been dealing with horrendous turnover and this is the new policy they put in place?


We should pressure congress to FORCE Indeed, Glassdoor, Zip Recruiter, etc. to always require details about compensation…including historical records of pay for all positions in the organization.

Still can’t believe this a conversation in 2024. As Joe Biden always says: “Make no mistake”….I work the job for money, not for fun. Anyone who is offering to compensate someone for labor MUST explicitly state the details of the expected pay upfront. There exists a power imbalance and businesses will write off qualified HUMAN BEINGS THAT NEED FOOD AND SHELTER, under the guise of “being too upfront.” This is a no-brainer and anyone who disagrees is living in denial, in my own personal opinion. Edit: Don’t know why the OP was flared as NSFW lol


Hi. Just saying hi to all of my co-workers in the world

I am kind of pissed off at work today and i stealing company' ñs time texting this


Tipped Employee Sidework Help

Hi all – I work for a Darden restaurant in Ohio that I believe is engaging in wage theft. Specifically, they are asking servers to perform roughly 1.5 hours of “sidework” each shift, while paying us as tipped employees. I’ve spoken with management about this issue, even informing them of what the law says about server side work. They’ve doubled down, hanging signs of their extensive “side work” requirements all over the back of house. What’s my next step? What’s the best way to file a labor complaint?


Team lead is giving daily speeches about firing all of us

At this point I'm so fucking over this job. He started out great and over the last 3 months has devolved completely into a completely toxic piece of shit that just talks down to us literally no matter what we do. He is actively misinterpreting things people say to him and has seemingly completely lost any sense of decorum or actual leadership… I fucking hate this job. I can't wait until they fire me


My expected output is doubled thanks to AI

The funny thing is, AI doesn't even help that much in my line of work. But we're being pushed to do more and it's always 'AI will make it easier'. But also… we're also supposed to strategize and do it well. I can either use AI and do a lot badly. Or I can use AI and improve my output incrementally but maintain quality. Not both. Not to mention, I get no benefits from doing more. My pay is the same, no growth opportunities, and nothing else changes but that I am working more .


Fired after reporting a coworker

I was fired recently after reporting an incident where a coworker attacked and threatened me. It's a small food-packaging company, and I was left alone in the warehouse with this coworker who I'll call Steven. I'd had some previous issues with Steven — when managers weren't around he liked to shout orders at me, even though he'd started several months after me and wasn't my “superior”. I'd asked Steven to speak more respectfully to me and told the manager about Steven shouting at me, but nothing was done. Anyway, one day we're left alone and Steven starts in on me again. He wants me to help him with something he's working on, even though I'm busy with another task I was assigned to complete before helping him. He calls me a lazy bastard and a stupid f-ck. I tell him to watch how he talks to me. Then he gets…


Gen Z really are the hardest to work with—even managers of their own generation say they’re difficult. Instead bosses plan to hire more of their millennial counterparts