
Update to ‘Satisfactory Quitting’.

Just an update to: People who said I should quit or I was being a dick (even DMing me). If I quit I would have been entitled to about £1500 of sick pay. They sacked me today and had to pay my notice AND sick pay. Cost them roughly £8000.


History repeating itself…

I'm reading “Ours was the Shining Future” by David Leonhardt, and my eyes caught this quote from Floyd B. Olson in 1933: The United States has created the greatest industrial system in the history of the world, but that system has concerned itself almost entirely with profit, and has been blind or selfish insofar as the welfare of the mass of the people is concerned. Feels like we're just repeating the 1900's all over again… Anyway, I encourage everyone else to pick up a copy of that book. Seems interesting so far (I haven't finished). Note: I'm not affiliated with the author in anyway.


Regret college

I just graduated with a B.S. in business and HR and companies literally won’t even look at my application for simple office jobs. I have one possible lead, but it’s 9 hour days sitting in a cubicle and the pay is low. My friends who didn’t go to college are like way ahead of me in life with their careers, money, and no student debt. I just needed to vent bc I feel scammed & like I set myself behind 4 years.


Elon Musk might receive $56 Billion in compensation while laying off 15,000 workers. Tesla workers, what is it going to take for you to get mad enough to walk out? For any of us to?


Should I call off work today?

Last Saturday I caught something and I was out of commission until Wednesday. I thought I was feeling better and all I had was congestion/a runny nose so I went into work. My work shifts are close to my home and only span an average of 3 hours. My boss even cut my shift to two hours on the Wednesday so I found it doable. But when I went in, by the end of my shift my entire nasal cavity was stuffed to the brim, which I was not expecting. Thursday (yesterday) was my day off and I was sporting a headache and congestion still. Instead of resting, I decided to push myself to workout. Unfortunately my headache was too bad for exercise so I went on a walk and read my book at a park instead. All the while I was sniffling and my nose was running like no…


suicidal thoughts while working?

just wanted to vent. i just started having thoughts of just kms while working. i wonder if anyone else feels this way. i just started a new job and the amount of stress and how much they rely on me day to day the pressure really is immense. already getting talked to by the manager and it really doesn’t make my experience better. ik life itself is sacred as we only get one life but i just be having these suicidal thoughts wondering if ill be happier that way. i was tearing up while working trying not to let them flow. it takes a lot of mental strength just to keep going.


Today is my second day at a new job and I got this email

I lost my job in March. I had an amazing job with amazing leadership and came home still having energy to do things. Bad things happened in my personal life (close family member has terminal cancer, I got divorced after something really tough). I took the first thing I could get that wasn't just poverty. It's a $10k a year pay cut and instead of amazing leadership, a job I love, and my own giant office with a huge window, I now work in a tiny grey cubicle. I got this email on the very first day.


Should I put my 2 weeks in?

I quit my job mid June 2023 because I was fed up with managers and I’ve been struggling to find an actual good job until now I started working here for 3 months (mid March) but I am not staying here long I have my next job lined up which isn’t retail. Should I put my 2 weeks in? The original plan was to put it on the 30th of June


Planning on putting in a month’s notice this Monday at a job I love with management that I can’t stand. Any advice on how to deal with retaliation?

So I plan to give a one month notice this upcoming Monday for a job I have really come to care about, but I cannot stand management any longer. I care about everyone and everything about this job, but the management aspect. Overall, there's been a lack of empathy and borderline illegal intimidation tactics when it comes to management. Including several worker's rights violations. I was recently offered a position in the same field, with a lot more benefits who are willing to salary match. Because I care so much about the people at my work, I want to offer a month's notice to quit, particularly as the busy season starts very soon. I want to hopefully help onboard the next candidate if selected prior to my departure. I have plans to develop a basic handbook for my position and prepare our clients for when I leave. None of was…


Resumes, cover letters, and AI Chatbots….

For applications at national chain restaurants…for bartending jobs. Honestly, I probably shouldn't complain about the AI chatbot…I got an in person interview (that I am not taking for reasons I still don't understand) simply because I am legally able to work in the US and am over 21. It was actually very easy but it was really unexpected and made me feel weird. I didn't even bother with the other one. I just…argh. I'm tired of being poor and I'm tired of the application being disproportionately convoluted for the job, I'm tired of not getting jobs I'm overqualified for, I'm tired of being rejected from jobs I'm appropriately qualified for, and I'm tired of knowing that whatever job I get, I'll be used in some form or another.