
Being forced to listen to the radio every freaking day and it’s driving me crazy

I don’t understand how my coworker puts on the same radio station that plays the exact same songs and doesn’t get tired of it. I’m being forced to listen to the same songs not once but probably 4 times in a single 8 hour shift, imagine that every day since I started working here 9 months ago. It’s driving me so crazy that some of those songs play in my head when I don’t want to when I’m at home, that’s how bad it’s become


They are taking our raises… during the “silent depression”


California Labor Commissioner Fails to Protect Workers


I may have to quit my job because of a psychotic coworker/former manager and I’m scared because no one is hiring

So I work at a law firm and there is this person that has been an absolute terror to me and to the rest of the office. Let's call her K. K used to be the assistant principal of a school in Washington DC, but then she quit for “moral” reasons and got an entry level job as a demand writer at our firm in Texas. I was hired the day before her in the same position. K became the manager of the demand writers, because she is older and is good at organizing. the demand writers are usually law students or people fresh out of college. I changed industries, I'm 28 so a little older than the average I guess, but I fit in. K has hated me since day one. There was originally no system for proof reading and there were spelling and grammatical errors in my work…


Advice from Chris McCandles..

Chris McCandless, in his letter to his friend Ron Franz, shared profound advice that has always resonated with me. This letter, published in Jon Krakauer’s 1996 book Into the Wild, contains a passage that just hits me and it suits this sub perfectly: “I’d like to repeat the advice I gave you before, in that I think you really should make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never have thought of doing, or been to hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic…


Boss told me I needed to take a vacation, I asked if he had vacation money

During our Mid year assessment my boss told me I had too many vacation days saved up (I have 22 days I HAVE to use by EOY) and I needed to start using them soon since he didn’t want a bunch of us waiting until the end of the year to use our time. I told him I didn’t have a reason to take time off and would probably do so when school started back up so I could be more active in my kids school and their happenings. He responded by saying “why don’t you take a vacation? You could go somewhere nice like Florida or Alaska, even traveling out of country isn’t that expensive!” I literally stopped what I was doing and said “do you have vacation money for me?” He was flabbergasted that I couldn’t afford a random vacation for an average sized family. Backstory: I’m decently…


Tired of Being Told I’m Qualified

I’ve ended up in the environmental chemistry field by chance a handful of years ago, but the limit of what I can get away with doing without the education or the brain for it is coming up on me. So now I’m panicking, needing to find another job, knowing that “fake it till you make it” is going to bite me in the ass. Well, that, and the job is just so damn stressful. Add to that, I have a one year old at home. I have liquid stress running through my veins. So here I am looking day after day for nearly a year for a new job, and I’m finding that I just am not qualified for anything which pays as well as I’m getting paid now. I confide my concerns to my wife and my mother, and both are insistent that I am qualified to do pretty…


Need creative help

I'm part of the Air National Guard. I had some toxic leaders who stalked me to make sure I was complying with their wishes and were two-faced when they thought they caught me making a mistake. It turned out it was a misunderstanding, and they refused to apologize. I tried everything I could to separate, but they refused to let me go. How do I maliciously comply or make them regret forcing me to stay? Ideas I had was accidentally spilling milk in the bosses' office behind their desk. Micro glitter thank you cards for keeping me despite my wishes, and signing up their phone number and emails for spam.


Me and my coworker watching our manager freak out


Coworker can’t take time off, but everyone else can

Posting this on behalf of a coworker. My work has two sides, a sales side, and a warehouse side. The manager is over both sides, but doesn't actively run the warehouse. We have a warehouse lead that basically handles all the day-to-day operations. The guy is a smart guy, good at his job, occasionally comes in a little late, but otherwise has been a great employee. I should note that right now because of staffing issues, he's also basically the ONLY warehouse guy we have. A few months back, he asked to take a week off. He was giving three months advance notice about it, saying that he was planning on taking a vacation with his wife. The manager gave him grief about it because “we are understaffed, you have to think about how this will effect your coworkers, it's gonna be really hard for us if you this, why…