
Shame of being fired

HOw do you stop feeling ashamed for being fired?


Fml morning

I went to Ivy League level schools in my country and graduated with very high grades. Worked very hard all my life. My youth almost entirely passed me by, if it wasn't for my efforts to have some nice moments here and there. Couldn't find a job for a very long time due being “junior”. Eventually found one and thought the content would be close enough to a dream job. But I hate it. The project sucks, the management sucks, the commute sucks, and the salary is extremely low. Everyday I go there like fml. There are no good mornings for me, only fml morning. Screw this world.


Is it weird to use an AI photo as your picture on Slack?

I really liked how it turned out and it looks a lot like me, I feel like it's weird though. But also, who actually cares?


Company screwed me over on compensation + taxes

I work in a sales capacity for a company that pays barely enough for where i live. On top of that i have a lot of medical expenses that our company/insurance company won’t cover and these medical expenses are life saving and not optional for me so I end up paying most of my disposable income out of pocket for healthcare. I’ve been able to make things work on a paycheck to paycheck basis for a while able to squirrel away a little bit of money each month. The first kick in the gut from them was the way they structured my meager commission. The way they have it set up and taxed means that barely any money is taken out in taxes every time I get this commission meaning I ended up owing thousands of dollars between state and federal this year which decimated what savings I had. I’ve…


Abandoned by Their Employer


We shouldn’t be penalised if the workplace isn’t safe

A proposal to increase the penalty for OSHA violations is being pushed back by an employers group


Article says he did it because he loved it, but damn this makes me sad


“I know some grown ass people who could really learn some valuable lessons from this kid” – glamorizing a 17 year old kid working 3 jobs while still in high school.


Retail is hell and I’m envious of your cushy office job

I work retail full time. Specifically at a book store. I can barely afford my $400/mo rent. I don’t have a consistent schedule, which means sometimes I work a 10 day week. The only consistent thing is that I never get Saturdays or Sundays off, even when I’ve asked for it. I get yelled at all day by customers. Sometimes it’s funny, like when someone asked for “The Scarlet Sweater by Nathaniel Hawthorne” and got upset when I asked if he was thinking of The Scarlet Letter. Sometimes it’s less funny, like when I got screamed at by an old man for following policy and checking that the dvds he was buying were in their cases and my manager saw what was happening and ignored my request for help. Aside from being emotionally draining, it’s physically draining work. I’m constantly shelving books, which is kind of like lifting 5lb weights…


Am in the wrong for asking for a week off after starting a job and the vacation is in 6 months?

Hey guys! So when I got offered the job I let them know about my soonest vacation which is July 3rd-7th but I’m only taking July 3rd off since the office is closed July 4th-5th. I also offered to work half day July 3rd and my manager didn’t have a problem and approved it. Now I’ve started it’s my last day of my first week and I remembered I should mention a vacation that was planned for December 16th-21st and I already booked flights before I started working. They didn’t ask for any future vacations and this is also 6 months from now and I won’t be leaving anymore than that. I brought it up to my manager and he got pissy right away and was saying you can’t without PTO and was patronizing me and saying didn’t they mention the interview all of the benefits of this job? And…