
YSK the US Department of Labor recovers stolen wages and tips going back years and has a database to look up which employers have to pay back that money.


OHSU President Gets $350,000 Annual Boost to Retirement While Seeking Cost Cuts Elsewhere


Happy Friday… or Not

Opened up slack and noticed that three people had deactivated profiles. Thought it was just me. I restarted the app and it remained. That’s when it hit me, they were fired. Not even a chance to say bye or leave contact information. It’s not worth to stay loyal to any company!!


Surprise! Immediate video interview required in order to apply?! WTF

Omfg these companies. Just spent a good hour or more customizing a cover letter only to find the ATS doesn't ask for one and doesn't offer the “additional attachments” option. So much time wasted. What's worse is that I didn't even get to hit submit on the application because they want a video interview – and I'm not camera ready. Employers should be required to publish the required steps (documents, skills testing, personality assessments … video recordings) so applicants know what's involved – and can decide if they want to jump through the hoops. FML.


Mediocre comments on evaluation that has not been reviewed for ten months?

So I will preface this by saying that I work in the public sector (200+ employees) and our organization has put in place HR directives within the last year. 10 months ago I submitted a written evaluation to my manager that happens annually and it’s just been sitting there in the HR interface with no comments. My manager has seven direct reports. Today, I received back from my manager the following comments: I am so sorry that I am responding so late to this. Your dedication to the organization is evident in your daily work. Should you have any goals or challenges, please feel free to make them known at our regular meetings. To me, I feel like this was just something that they needed to get done because it kept appearing in the HR interface. I don’t feel any personalization nor any satisfaction with her response. I almost feel…


Do we have to be careful on Reddit? Someone is watching.

I have two reasons for this post. I have noticed a lot of people reference bots or anti employee/remote work management, union or businesses that make posts to stir up controversy or to discourage dissent. I believe that a voice or opinion of an individual should not be squashed, but I do believe that we should not be used to justify a point, company position or to get people riled up. We have to be just as careful as I hope we would be outside of Reddit. My other reason is related to this. Has anyone faced retaliation for a post or from a series of posts? This does not include the hardly working and anti-remote work. I do understand that companies are using this to support RTO.


New job is hell

I just started a new job at a retail store that I previously worked at a couple of years ago. I was in management at two separate locations before I left to do an internship and decided to come back but to a different location after my last job left me in a very bad place mentally and I've been trying to recover for over a year now. I'm in my second week currently. Spent last week training under my former manager from the last location I worked at and it was smooth sailing. Halfway through the week I get an email to all the managers of the new store I'm going to from DM asking why there are so many boxes of shipment piled in the store room. This is a boutique type clothing store so 78 boxes in the back is an insane amount of shipment to not…


Companies don’t like WFH because their managers are terrible.

You know why managers and their bosses don’t want their employees WFH? Because they don’t know how to properly manage employees that WFH. They’d have to develop work plans with deliverables and that scares them. They don’t know how to do that. But, perhaps the thing that’s scaring them the most is that they have to put it in writing.


Anyone else evening interviewing with crappy interviewers lately?

After putting out hundreds of applications I feel lucky to even get an interview. When I finally do get to meet with the hiring team it seems they are just horrible at interviewing. My last interview was with an established company in NY. The role was for contracting and billing analyst, I swear they didn’t ask me a single question related to contracts or billing. They only asked me to tell them about an obstacle I had to overcome at work, then if I work better in a team or by myself, and finally to describe a difficult situation and how I handled it at work. Two of these questions are basically identical. The boss who was interviewing me was clearly working throughout the entire interview as I could see her typing while looking back and forth between her computer screens. She also straight up told me she didn’t even…


ADA Violations – Settlement Reached.

I am a 100% service connected Disabled Veteran & recently I settled a lawsuit against a company for violations under the ADA – federal stuff. This litigation has been ongoing since @ 2019, because, I believe, the defendant, after the EEOC ruled that they did not find grounds on which I could sue, believed that I would not. But I did. Fast forward to a few months ago, when I had my deposition. This was a first for me. I prepped. Beforehand, my attorney told me that opposing counsel was an asshole. This made me chuckle because it is nice to know attorneys are human. Preface this with after the deposition was finished, my attorney told me that I was one of the best deposition witnesses that he had had as a client. – so, approximately seven hours into my deposition, the opposing counsel really starts to hammer on me.…