
The boss is on vacay for 2 weeks…. I need some ideas!

Just found out the boss is already gone on a cruise. To kick this off, I'm wearing a button down dress shirt, a tie, dress slacks, and bunny slippers. I go home in 30 minutes and have all weekend to plan. What can I get away way with when the cat's away?


Anyone else on this subreddit wondering “Why are you giving your employer your cell number?!”

I see so many text exchanges with bosses here on this sub, and I'm just wondering why are you giving out your cell number and allowing them to text you!? Guys, maintain a landline! Yes, you can still get a landline! All major telecoms still offer them, and they are relatively cheap. You can get a traditional copper wire landline or VoIP built in with your internet. Give them that number! I'm 42, and I maintain a landline for my job only. I work in a professional field where I'm salaried. The expectation is I can be called after hours if needed. They call that landline. If I'm home, I answer, if not… Oh well ¯_(ツ)_/¯ They've brought up giving them my cell number before and I ask if they will be covering my phone bill. When the answer is no, I say that my cell phone is my personal…


I hate my scum “manager”.

He is a manager, but has no actual experience in dealing with people, only with the work he has. He lied to me more than 6 times because he thought I would blatantly believe him even though I had evidence to the contrary. First he said we would recheck my salary every couple months or so. He never did. When I asked for a performance review + raise, he mentioned a “company policy” and that he could not do that. A year later I asked again and got no response. He seemed super friendly and nice at first, only to manipulate my work assignments. I still have not gotten over that. I do the work he hates and the work that no one else in the company can do flawlessly. He does not give me work when I ask for it, even though by his own words and performance metrics…


Discussing sick day idea to employer

My workplace has recently started taking volunteers for scheduled meetings where workplace improvement ideas from employees are welcomed. I appreciate the opportunity for us to speak, but I'm also smart enough to realize I shouldn't say anything that could potentially get my name on the Ole Shitlist (Hopefully it's not already). The only thing I'm going to suggest is that we should have sick days. We currently have none. If you get sick and miss unexpectedly, you get penalized with a “point”. 4 points in 180 days is a write-up. 5 points in 180 days is termination. We have PTO that's accrued throughout the year and 2 “floating holidays”, but even if you get sick and use either PTO or a floating holiday, you get a point. My idea is fairly restrained. Instead of 2 floating holidays, we should get 1 floating holiday and 1 sick day a year, a…


how likely is suing a large company actually?

a company as big as lets just say wlmrt. Case being a manager trying to have relationship with employee , gets rejected and then that manager retaliates tries everything to get that employee fired and also communicates with that employees outside friends and family. I see people on reddit say “lawyer up” all of the time and often laugh because these very large companies are built well to defeat these cases. i’m sure stuff like this pops up all the time and a resolution is never made. i’m curious if anyone thinks it’s likely that it would be successful and what evidence would even be valid.


Anyone work somewhere that management gets a stipend to spend on employees and instead they just pocket it?

I worked for a government agency where all of the managers and director all get a $400 per year stipend for employee satisfaction/morale stuff. Instead of using the funds, in one department i worked in they would have us recycle all of our cans and bottles at one of their desks then serve us cheap spaghetti every year and keep the money. We also had a monthly fund for staff to fund each other's birthday lunches. All $400 stayed in their account. I moved offices and we all did the math: 100 employees 10 managers+=$4,000 times 3 years=$12,000 1 single catered lunch=$600 After not doing any type of appreciation during covid for 3 years they finally threw us a catered lunch so they were asked to chip $60 each and they all lost their fucking minds! Some of the managers didn't even have staff to spend it on and even…


Question regarding boss

So I don't know if this is the right place to ask this question. But my boss and I talk over what's app sometimes (for work related things of course) and he has disappearing messages for whatever reason (maybe personal too). It makes me uncomfortable because the chat is completely wiped out every few days. I always like to have a record of my chats with people and even more so when it's work related. There's an option for me to change the setting in the chat. Is it okay for me to do that? I also find it kind of shady for someone to activate this feature. Thoughts?


From a couple of years ago

But this is still bugging me so. I used to work for a school holiday program. The bosses decided to do a couple of weeks of woodworking as education for the kids. Trouble #1: my supervisor called us into a meeting to crowd source what type of PPE we should buy (why didnt she already know?). Me and one other person insisted on eye shields and gloves at minimum, because the age range for the program is 4 to 12 and you can't expect a 4 year old to be coordinated when swinging a hammer. I also brought steel cap boots from home, for the same reason. Manager bought gloves & eyewear, and we set a limit of 4-5 kids at a time at the woodworking table. I show up for my shift one day and my manager's boss is there running the activity. I walk past him to put…


I will soon be looking to hire my first few employees. What would you look for in an employer?

I'm a very small business, we are expanding slowly but surely. I am looking to hire my first few employees and the most important thing to me is morale and paying them what they're worth/valuing them. I also believe the owner should be present much of the time, doing events for the company, and never ever be above cleaning or taking out the trash. I communicate very quickly and effectively. Anything else you would appreciate as an employee?


Work schedule at my job is absolute bs

I have severe insomnia, and when I deviate from a sleep schedule it throws me off track. As in, I will go days and days without rest and end up in the hospital or end up sleeping entire days away. I also find it incredibly hard to sleep, even when it is predictable time. I usually am lucky if I get 5 hours of consistent sleep a night. I've been like this since I was a teenager. It's PTSD related, and I take medication for it, have a formal diagnosis for it, and I alerted my job about this when I got hired on. In Jan I started my current job, it's retail, I'm full time because otherwise I'd be homeless lol. Im making more than I was at my last gig, but still barely enough to get by- that's another story for another time. But when I was hired…