
Boss said i wasn’t gonna get fired, just to fire me a few days later.

i got my new schedule approved by my supervisor, she said that was a okay schedule for her back in January and it works out. We had no issue with it and she said everything worked out, i went from 36 hours to 31. She later wanted me to start doing more of what’s not required of me, i was a cashier at a retail store and she wanted me to run around grabbing food for my coworkers, working on my off days, i would politely decline. I was good at my job and got alot of compliments for my work in customer service and did my job. My manager later would call me a priss and have a bad attitude with me and be rude, ignore me, etc. Then my schedule started “becoming an issue,” i now did “everything wrong,” and wasn’t a team player. I noticed my job…


Workplace PTSD is a very real thing, and it’s something that I really want to talk about.

I have been depressed, pessimistic, cynical, and hypervigilant for the past few months. I had to talk to HR because I was using the restroom, I was switched to a new team after one of their teammates left for maternity leave, but we've been experiencing tension because there are areas where I'm still inexperienced or they're expecting me to charge only 30 hours for the 4 weeks I've been instructed to help on an project. Not to mention my accuring credit card, school loan, and medical debt. But I don't think that's even where my grief begins. I think it started when I was in my final year of college, before graduating into the pandemic, that my then boss, a hardcore narc, tried to diminish whatever enthusiasm or self-esteem I had, on the last day of my 4 month internship. After being unemployed for 19 months, getting fired at sweatshop…


Got my boss to admit to wage theft

I work for a very well-known corporation as a server/bartender. My shift usually starts at 4:00 pm. The time clock rounds my hours to 15-minute intervals. If I clock in at 4:01, I don't start getting paid until 4:15. If I clock in at 3:50 and start working immediately as expected, I don't get paid for those first 10 minutes. I know if I clock out at 10:40 it doesn't round to 10:45. It gets rounded down to 10:30. My general manager confirmed that over text. This means I lose up to 28 minutes in my wages every shift. I know this is wage theft. They did not notify me that they changed the time clocks. When I was first employed, I was paid from when I clocked in to when I clocked out. I wasn’t aware that it was rounding down my hours for a few months. I believe…


Just went for an interview for a security gig that pays 10.66 an hour.

So I'm expecting this low paying of a job to be sitting behind a kroger and call the cops if they try to climb the roof and start stealing the copper wiring. Hiring guy starts talking about getting certified to carry, and I played dumb but, armed security make 25+ an hour here. I dont mind making a dumb wage for a dumb job, but if I wanted to be a cop, they pay better than you do. (I dont, fuck the police). They pay armed guards fucking 1066 an hour?! I just cant.


‘Stop accidents – America Needs Manpower,’ 1942 – You are valuable because of your labor


Prison and Work – A document I found in an old Windows parody called Windows Doors


Interviewing for jobs is basically, “Please like me so I don’t die.”

When you take a long view at it, job interviews are basically arguments for why you should afford to live. Subsisting off unemployment isn't sustainable. I'm relatively likable in the general sense but no one has universal popularity. So if the wrong people don't like you, you can't afford to live. This is a really fucked up system and I don't think our society made the right choice in using it.


suspended for repeating managements words back to them

Looking to vent and get some advice. TLDR; management told us they would use public humiliation against us, while one of them shouted “shame shame shame” at us. I repeated these words to him after finding him in violation of an important company policy, followed by ‘doesn’t feel so great does it?’. He told me to leave or he would call the police. I refused and stayed for my the remainder of my shift. I have now been suspended from any upcoming shifts. I work at a large music venues in a small state. I've worked several different positions there since early 2019. When we opened back up after COVID, the venue hired a new General Manager who turned out to be drunk most of the time. The owners hired a human resources manager for the first time since I had worked there, and I spoke with her several times…


I didn’t get an interview because I asked about company culture too much

I am part of this educational internship program where we work a long term, competitively paid internship. I was one of the people selected for an interview with company A, and they brought the group of candidates out for a tour. It was a nice tour and they paid for some beers afterwards at a local brewery. I was asking questions about company culture, and the question of start time came up. They said “the latest you can start is 8AM, but we'd prefer earlier. I start my work day answering emails and phone calls at 6:30 on my way to drop my kid off. ” So naturally I asked “do you consider your work day to have started at 6:30 then?” The response: “you know, I would consider myself more of a company man than most, I work till the work is done.” That, combined with other questions about…


Previous job withheld their 401k matching, even though I’m vested.

In early March, my previous employer terminated my employment. The reason listed on the termination letter was that I'm an “At-Will” employee, so no cause was listed. Utah is an at-will state, so that seems to be as neutral of a firing you can get. The circumstances of what led up to my firing was absolute heinous fuckery, but shouldn’t have an effect on the issue at hand so I won't go over it. I worked for this employer for three years, and part of my promised compensation was employer matching for contributions I made to my 401k. 100% matching up to 3.5%, so not insignificant. At the end of 2023, I asked why none of the employer matchings, for the entire year, were showing up in my account. I was informed that employer matches for all of 2023 would be deposited as a lump sum in March 2024. That…