
Az edible company rude job post

Just weird expectations of the company


Employer reducing hours rejecting unemployment

Looking for advice, I accepted a position last year in Illinois. My manager just informed me that they will be reducing my hours and will not lay me off for unemployment. I am reviewing the acceptance letter that mentioned pay and found that they included pay maybe reviewed (shown below ). What can I do? “Beginning on the Effective Date, you will be paid an annualized base salary in the gross amount of $x, less all required payroll taxes and withholdings, payable every other Friday in accordance with the Company’s regular payroll practices. Your base pay may be reviewed and adjusted from time to time in the discretion of the Company’s CEO & Founder.”


Saw this at a local Dairy Queen

Must be available all of the time for what I assume is minimum wage.


I gave a time off request in 58 days in advance

I work for a car dealer. I requested my manager on May 8th if I can work my off days which are Monday 24th June and Tuesday 25th June and take Wednesday 26th june and Thursday 27th June. Because it’s my birthday on 26th and want 27th to cool off. When I saw the schedule for this month I was scheduled on 26th and 27th, so I asked again and was told he will look at it and couple days go by nothing i hear from him. Fast forward to yesterday i text him about that and he tells me to switch with someone (I requested it almost 2 months in advance). Then today i come to work and he was pissed that me texting him about that is me coming after him and he said he doesn’t have to give me the days off. Which is mind boggling because…


I have no interest in investing anything in something I don’t want

I knew I never wanted to have to work when I was 4-5 years old. I used to see my parents leaving for work and never wanted to be like them, sacrificing so much of my day to a stupid job. I graduated in 2003. At that time whenever someone asked me what I wanted to do for work, I'd just give any answer to end the conversation. I was planning to go to college, because it was before degrees were worthless, and it was still a guarantee of a good job. I majored in psychology, but I just wanted something that would guarantee a job in whatever field I could throw my degree at. My real first choice had been photography because I figured it was the furthest legitimate career to traditional work. I didn't finish college, but also didn't have student loans, which is nice. These days I…


Buffalo Wild Wings Waitress Fired After TikTok Video Goes Viral, Targeted by Customer’s Mother

Buffalo Wild Wings illegally tries to take money out of her check due to a thief dine and dashing


Front end developer (VOLUNTEER)

WTF is this??


My job that fired me is trying to contact me, wwyd?

I was fired, in my opinion unfairly from a job at a church. Things went downhill after I had a meeting with them to discuss ADA reasonable accommodation. I was still meeting my deadlines well ahead of time and accomplishing tasks. My disability and a medical event I suffered at work came up when I was fired, among them just telling me I straight up sucked at the job which I know is bs. They called the person before me, who quit, all hours of the workday asking her questions, I thought it strange and inappropriate at the time. Then today I had missed calls from the church that fired me on my cell. No messages left. I was almost inclined to send them a text “hey our professional relationship has ended, and I ask you to not contact me” I’m afraid, given how frequently they harassed the administrator who…


My boss asked me to pee in a cup

I thought this was a strange request given I had never done anything to indicate my use of illicit substances on the job. However, I had been drinking and frankly had to take a leak anyway so I complied. It turned out, he was just thirsty


I just need to vent. Just got a message from my boss asking why something didn’t get done, and “being busy isn’t an excuse, because the site is down in sales”.