
I fired a client yesterday. It was insane.

TLDR: I’m a general contractor. Just about to move into finish phase of a pretty significant remodel of a home. The client had started to become increasingly insane. Crossed so many boundaries, proven to be a liar. Ditched him yesterday. It nearly went violently sideways I got a text on Thursday from my client (who’d decided he needed yet another two days of no interruptions, while complaining about the the job taking too long) asking why we had installed old beaten up caps (he called them plugs) on his exterior doors. He sent me a pic, and I explained they were preexisting, and were through-bolt caps for the door handles. Thought nothing more of it. At 10:30 that night I’m hit with a barrage of texts. The main gist was that I was a liar, had insulted him by telling him he didn’t know what his house was like, demanding…


Did an interview today – Shitshow

I went to, what I was led to believe, was the final interview for a Network Admin position today with a large healthcare provider in my area. I jumped through all the hoops before the in-person, and online testing, video interviews (X3), follow-up phone calls, etc. I was told to come in for a face-to-face. It's all good so far. I got to the interview and am one of the 8 people interviewed for the same position. Not unheard of, but, seemed a bit crowded. After a 2-hour wait for the interviewer to arrive, the 5 of us who remained and hadn't left yet were handed worksheets to complete. The 'test' was not out of the norm. I was perplexed that it was on paper, but that soon became very clear. In the end, when the final person turned in their forms, we were all escorted to a phlebotomy lab…


We work hybrid in an organization that talks about health/ mental health importance almost everyday, we have new rules


Going past your workplace on your day off like….


Grasping at the Root


Why are senior leaders so obsessed with useless work

First off, I want to say I do like my job. I enjoy my WORK. When I am allowed to do it. I say this because the senior managers are OBSESSED with gimmicks like Gemba Walks and Kaizen events and filling out A3 reports and doing spreadsheets. I do see a point to them to a point, but not when doing these things gets in the way of deliverig real things that can provide real results. I was trying to put together a training (as I'm a training manager) and my boss asked me to do a project plan. Which, I did for myself in the form of a learning plan, which is what educators do. But I had to do THEIR report with all these deliverables and measureables (which don't have anything to do with learning at all). And their report is based more on production than what it…


You only allow to speak English in the break room

Racist rules or fair?


They out here looking for the wolf


The Billionaire’s Guide to Keeping the Middle Class Down: A Handbook

Monopolize! Competition is for suckers. Buy out your competition so you can jack prices up. Even if you don't have a monopoly, use any excuse to raise prices. Don't worry, your “competitors” will do the same thing, no collusion necessary! Hey inflation is rising isn't it? Yeah, blame it on Biden! Lobby up. Make sure policy goes in your favor, but that no one finds out. Buy a politician to sneak some pork in a bill, or beat down regulations, or keep some tax loopholes just for you. Shhh, no one will know if they're all too distracted. Distract the masses. Get people gossiping about celebs, feed them Netflix and Tiktok and Candy Crush. If they're glued to their screens and couches, there's no way they can rise up! People love houses. So buy as much housing as you can so the rabble can't get to them. Now you can…


Searching for a new job is traumatizing

So, I lost my job in April. To make a long story short, I did not get along with my boss after she took all of my job responsibilities away and reduced me to menial tasks. I’ve been in my field for over 20 years and worked circles around her. She was so horrible to me and treated me like total shit, talking down to me, being condescending, laughing at my opinions. It got so bad that it started to affect my physical and mental health. When I knew I had to meet with her, I had chest pains and hyperventilated. My anxiety was out of control, I couldn’t sleep, I had stomach aches constantly. I had to go on meds. Getting fired came as a sort of relief and all of my physical and emotional issues stopped immediately. I am able to collect unemployment for 6 months, but it…