
2nd time this month a rumor of my 2 weeks notice

I work for a nonunion cabinet shop. Most people there know I'm not happy there. A coworker approached me at the beginning of the month commenting on the rumor of my 2 weeks notice. I have never talked to my boss or anyone in the front office about my unhappiness. Today one of the project managers came up to me on break to say he's sorry to hear I'm leaving. I'm thinking the higher ups may be thinking of letting me go. At this point I wish they'd fire me, that way I can collect unemployment as I wait for my union local's business manager to find me a shop.

I work for a nonunion cabinet shop. Most people there know I'm not happy there. A coworker approached me at the beginning of the month commenting on the rumor of my 2 weeks notice. I have never talked to my boss or anyone in the front office about my unhappiness. Today one of the project managers came up to me on break to say he's sorry to hear I'm leaving. I'm thinking the higher ups may be thinking of letting me go. At this point I wish they'd fire me, that way I can collect unemployment as I wait for my union local's business manager to find me a shop.

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