
3 days into my vacay gets my gas station closed.

So it's kinda still unfolding I guess but on the third day of my 2 week vacation I get a text asking what's going on at my job a local gas station, as it has a sign saying it's closed for the next four days. After some digging corporate came in and fired 3 people and transferred the assistant manager two days into the new manager starting. After that four more people walked. I knew I did a lot but they couldn't last a week or till next order before everything fell apart. They have asked already if I can come back early. I've told them no as the wedding hasn't happened unless they wanna foot the bill for another trip. Now after the last person texted me saying they quit too I don't think I'm going back especially not for 13 an hour.

So it's kinda still unfolding I guess but on the third day of my 2 week vacation I get a text asking what's going on at my job a local gas station, as it has a sign saying it's closed for the next four days. After some digging corporate came in and fired 3 people and transferred the assistant manager two days into the new manager starting. After that four more people walked. I knew I did a lot but they couldn't last a week or till next order before everything fell apart. They have asked already if I can come back early. I've told them no as the wedding hasn't happened unless they wanna foot the bill for another trip. Now after the last person texted me saying they quit too I don't think I'm going back especially not for 13 an hour.

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