
3 People Called Me on My Day Off

I (20) work part-time at a grocery store. Sometimes I come in on my off days, only because I still get paid for those days. But this experience has left me feeling beyond disrespected and angry. This past week I had not one, not two, but THREE fucking people calling me on my day off. All of them asking if I can help out and cover someone's shift. I will admit that I was already going back and forth between coming in to help anyways, since I needed to do something productive. But still, three people calling me on my day off was the wake-up call I needed. This has led me to vowing to never help out when asked ever again. When someone calls or texts me on my day off, I am finally going to start ignoring them. I am only going to come in on my day…

I (20) work part-time at a grocery store. Sometimes I come in on my off days, only because I still get paid for those days. But this experience has left me feeling beyond disrespected and angry. This past week I had not one, not two, but THREE fucking people calling me on my day off. All of them asking if I can help out and cover someone's shift. I will admit that I was already going back and forth between coming in to help anyways, since I needed to do something productive. But still, three people calling me on my day off was the wake-up call I needed. This has led me to vowing to never help out when asked ever again. When someone calls or texts me on my day off, I am finally going to start ignoring them. I am only going to come in on my day off if I feel like it. This job doesn't care about me. I put in 110% and then some and the highest raise I could get is 25 CENTS. Pay me what I'm worth, and then I'll come in more often.

Rant over.

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