
3 years into working for some … foreigners….losing my mind.

So yeah the title. I'm currently working at a smoke shop/liquor store. I started exactly 3 years ago this month. Beginning pay:$10/hr. Get “promoted” to assistant Manager doing orders and dealing with all vendors Monday thru Friday 7am to 3pm. Current pay is $11.25. They expect the work of 2 of me everyday,all day. Everyone gets to be late,call in. I try to write them up. Owner throws away. No benefits. Today the owners wife called me to tell me a lady I hired yesterday is “too old and probably doesn't know anything about vapes so call her and tell her she will not be working here.” I was in shock. Numb actually. They just committed a crime and I didn't have it recorded. I want to leave in a way where I won't get fined and or end up with charges. I have a lot more to say but…

So yeah the title. I'm currently working at a smoke shop/liquor store. I started exactly 3 years ago this month. Beginning pay:$10/hr. Get “promoted” to assistant Manager doing orders and dealing with all vendors Monday thru Friday 7am to 3pm. Current pay is $11.25. They expect the work of 2 of me everyday,all day. Everyone gets to be late,call in. I try to write them up. Owner throws away. No benefits. Today the owners wife called me to tell me a lady I hired yesterday is “too old and probably doesn't know anything about vapes so call her and tell her she will not be working here.” I was in shock. Numb actually. They just committed a crime and I didn't have it recorded. I want to leave in a way where I won't get fined and or end up with charges. I have a lot more to say but will end it here. I've made up my mind,I'm leaving with or without another job lined up. My fiance and I have enough saved and he makes ok money. My sanity and mental health is way more important than that place of hell.

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