
3 years I’ve tried for the position, it’s cruel

I have been at my job for 3 years. It’s been my whole life. It’s a restaurant job, and I know to most people it’s “just a job” but it’s truly been the only thing I look forward to. I have been begging for a year now to be promoted from my current position of assisting to a to go worker. Better pay, better hours, less stress and people are nicer. Every time it’s been a different excuse from my manager “once your attitude improves I’ll move you” ( I am kind, respectful and calm) “once you can go faster I will move you” (I can run circles around anyone in my position, I’ve been told I am the best) and most recently “once you can prove you won’t take days off I’ll move you” (I was sick, only time I’ve taken off in two years) and I finally get…

I have been at my job for 3 years. It’s been my whole life. It’s a restaurant job, and I know to most people it’s “just a job” but it’s truly been the only thing I look forward to. I have been begging for a year now to be promoted from my current position of assisting to a to go worker. Better pay, better hours, less stress and people are nicer. Every time it’s been a different excuse from my manager “once your attitude improves I’ll move you” ( I am kind, respectful and calm) “once you can go faster I will move you” (I can run circles around anyone in my position, I’ve been told I am the best) and most recently “once you can prove you won’t take days off I’ll move you” (I was sick, only time I’ve taken off in two years) and I finally get her to agree to move me last week! I was over the moon. She says I’ll train this week, so I show up excited and ready. I can already do the whole position, I’ve trained myself on it. I’ll just be learning the technical stuff. I see we have a new hire, I say hi and ask her if she’s training for assisting. She tells me no, she’s the new Togo worker. We only have two positions, and one was already filled. They gave my position away. On the day I was supposed to start. And let me find out like that. I’m ashamed to say I cried a lot. 3 years I’ve given to this job. Gone above and beyond every time, work my ass off. To do something so cruel to me is beyond me . I am now looking for a new job, just sad.

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