
33k To Be A software engineer

Just got off the phone with a company to clarify a job posting. At first it does say internship, but entry level is also posted as a listing too. They told me they were hiring for both, but the salary was 33k-45k for the full-timers, while interns would earn half since they are part time. In my experience, when a range is posted, they ALWAYS pay the lowest. I’m so done and wish I never went into this field. The only decent paying positions are in big cities, but everything else there is more expensive, so the better pay isn’t even worth it.

Just got off the phone with a company to clarify a job posting. At first it does say internship, but entry level is also posted as a listing too. They told me they were hiring for both, but the salary was 33k-45k for the full-timers, while interns would earn half since they are part time. In my experience, when a range is posted, they ALWAYS pay the lowest. I’m so done and wish I never went into this field. The only decent paying positions are in big cities, but everything else there is more expensive, so the better pay isn’t even worth it.

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