
3rd shift is not allowed to do anything during their shift but stare at the walls.

Got to love how the rules are only inforced at night. 1st and 2ng bring it books, journals, use their phones, and group up and talk while ignoring the clients.They can also come in hours late with not even a slap on the wrist, but if we are late by 1 minute we will get written up. Been watching it happen. We now know if we are going to ve late, just call out as you are geyting a write up anyway. But 3rd shift, we cannot even write so journals and paper are now banned. We just get to sit there and try not to sleep. Which had been an issue before so it is about to get way worse. At this point unless a client is hurt, I see nothing, know nothing, and hear nothing. A co-worker could steal the god damn fridge and I would not say…

Got to love how the rules are only inforced at night. 1st and 2ng bring it books, journals, use their phones, and group up and talk while ignoring the clients.They can also come in hours late with not even a slap on the wrist, but if we are late by 1 minute we will get written up. Been watching it happen. We now know if we are going to ve late, just call out as you are geyting a write up anyway. But 3rd shift, we cannot even write so journals and paper are now banned.

We just get to sit there and try not to sleep. Which had been an issue before so it is about to get way worse.

At this point unless a client is hurt, I see nothing, know nothing, and hear nothing. A co-worker could steal the god damn fridge and I would not say a thing. Which sucks but reporting people does not work any way we get retaliated against. Anonymous reporting is not anonymous at all.

Oh, and if they try to give me someone to train I am going to get in so much trouble. As I'll tell them I dont get paid extra to train someone else or I will tell them exactly how it is and it won't be pretty. (I say this but i am a coward and just tell them no and not be snarky. Damn my work persona! I need to toss it out when interacting with management)

I am fucking done. This sucks as where i live this job and the benefits are the best one can get in the area. (200+ hours of TOB, sick hours, medical that is actually great at a low price, and higher pay then anything else aroud.) I have to stay because unless I find something even close to this I cannot afford to leave.

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