
4 cents.

I'm a department manager at a grocery store. I hired a new employee and after crunching the numbers I was told I can offer this guy $19.96/hour. I asked if we could just round it up to $20/hour. Boss said no, we had to follow company policy. After I receive the email with this guidance I call one of my many superiors involved in approving these decisions. I say “come on man, we can't fork out the extra 4 cents?” He's as nice as he can he about it and explained that it's not his call and we're essentially just doing what we're being told to do. But what really got under my skin was hearing the big boss and another one of his douchebag assistants in the background of the call. Saying shit like “Why should we give him the extra 4 cents?” And “Why does he deserve that?”…

I'm a department manager at a grocery store. I hired a new employee and after crunching the numbers I was told I can offer this guy $19.96/hour. I asked if we could just round it up to $20/hour. Boss said no, we had to follow company policy.

After I receive the email with this guidance I call one of my many superiors involved in approving these decisions. I say “come on man, we can't fork out the extra 4 cents?” He's as nice as he can he about it and explained that it's not his call and we're essentially just doing what we're being told to do.

But what really got under my skin was hearing the big boss and another one of his douchebag assistants in the background of the call. Saying shit like “Why should we give him the extra 4 cents?” And “Why does he deserve that?” And “What are we supposed to do, round up everyone's new wage when it changes?”

Fuck. You.

That's the exact mentality that keeps people from applying for higher level positions. Why no one wants to work in this shitty ultra-corporate retail hell. Why we have positions open we haven't been able to fill for months.

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