
4 Day Workweek?

Who is currently working a four day work week? How many hours? Which businesses are doing this? Need more companies offering a four day workweek. Productivity has risen exponentially since the 1970s but benefits like these have not kept up. I work a good job, but now have two kids and it’s so hard to keep the house running where both parents have to work 40+ hours each week. Having that extra weekend day would do so much to have time to get things done around the house and have more family time with the kids. Really want to find companies that offer the 4 day work week and make the jump.

Who is currently working a four day work week? How many hours? Which businesses are doing this?

Need more companies offering a four day workweek. Productivity has risen exponentially since the 1970s but benefits like these have not kept up.

I work a good job, but now have two kids and it’s so hard to keep the house running where both parents have to work 40+ hours each week. Having that extra weekend day would do so much to have time to get things done around the house and have more family time with the kids.

Really want to find companies that offer the 4 day work week and make the jump.

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